akerfeldt is a funny guy


Mar 13, 2006
am from turkey and i watched opeth's live performance 2days ago,,and i was fascinated anyway
and i found out that he is cocky and funny at the same time:lol:
he said "if you have to yawn at least don't do it while you are headbanging, like americans":lol:
also said
"today, i ate kebab...
yesterday, i ate kebab...
it was awesome
And the funny thing is, it's actually not that funny! You guys are just awestruck by seeing your favorite band play. And possibly your secret homosexual desires for multitudes of moustache rides.
Misseriah said:
And the funny thing is, it's actually not that funny! You guys are just awestruck by seeing your favorite band play. And possibly your secret homosexual desires for multitudes of moustache rides.
actually, i agree he's not THAT funny, but because they are a death metal band and Mike is so laid back, it makes his jokes seem pretty funny, even if they're not all that.
What's makes him so funny is how different he is from other metal frontmen. Most singers preach politics, getting fucked up, mosh pits & how great they are. They also pose after or during every scream.

Mike tells light hearted jokes & avoids the frontman cliches. He is quite refreshing. He also interacts with the audience in between songs & seems to genuinely care about his fans.

Americans yawn while we headbang ??? Now that's a low blow...
I've said it before and i'll say it again. Any front man who refuses to start a song until the crowd has named the entire orginal line up of Europe, is fucking funny as hell.

Joey Tempest

John Norum

John Levén

Tony Reno
Americans yawn while headbanging? How about I yawn while banging his head... ;) Talkin' bout my homiez that way!
hahahaha...that was a good one MIKE......!!!!......thats teh thing.......hes a metal guy...adm he dienst try to ccome off all evil adn stuff...jsut a regulat guy...makin funny jokes...!!!!........PEAC EOUT
and i would like to add that he also said : "the orphaned land guy over there :D" he was talking about martin mendez's headbang style
but i must say that he also became arrogant:D he didn't let me have his signature and plectrum and to noone :(