Album that got you into the Heavy.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2016
A Dark Corner, Hickville Florida
What was the one for you?

My first memories of getting into music were with bands like Boston, Cheap Trick, ZZ Top and classic country.

Later I got into early rap( yep I'm old enough to remember it's beginnings) but one day a new friend took Nucleus out of the boom box and slipped in Shout at the Devil.

I don't think I ever listened to those rap cassettes again.
I'm interested to know what those Rap cassettes were.

For me, if we're talking the very first music that got me into heavy music, it was definitely my father's Sex Pistols, George Thorogood and Alice Cooper CDs. Then that interest leads to KISS, The Ramones, New York Dolls, MC5, The Stooges and John Lee Hooker.
That very quickly turned me into a Punk and with that came Bad Brains, The Cramps, Minor Threat, MDC, and also growing up as I did on Blues, Hip Hop and Rock & Roll, I was naturally attracted to music with a certain attitude so I got into Psychobilly, Rockabilly and Gothic Rock.

Then I met a guy who is still my best friend and he introduced me to early Metallica, early Overkill and Iron Maiden. Never looked back.
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I'm interested to know what those Rap cassettes were.

For me, if we're talking the very first music that got me into heavy music, it was definitely my father's Sex Pistols, George Thorogood and Alice Cooper CDs. Then that interest leads to KISS, The Ramones, New York Dolls, MC5, The Stooges and John Lee Hooker.
That very quickly turned me into a Punk and with that came Bad Brains, The Cramps, Minor Threat, MDC, and also growing up as I did on Blues, Hip Hop and Rock & Roll, I was naturally attracted to music with a certain attitude so I got into Psychobilly, Rockabilly and Gothic Rock.

Then I met a guy who is still my best friend and he introduced me to early Metallica, early Overkill and Iron Maiden. Never looked back.
Truthfully It's hard to remember them right off the bat!*lol* This was like 84 or so!
My favorite song on the radio when I was like 3-4 years old was Bad To The Bone. Funny Cassette mentioned Thorogood. Skip ahead and it was Rammstein that got me into heavy music in my teens, then Opeth that got me into more obscure/extreme metal.
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Black Sabbath's Master of Reality was one of the first cds my parents bought after buying a cd player back in the early 90s. I used to play it loud in the living room when they were at work. Eventually got into bands like Fear Factory and Pitchshifter through the sound track of Test Drive 5 on PS1.
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My father listened to a lot of Iron Maiden, Slayer and Black Sabbath when I was about 4 years old so it comes from there. Back then my dad gave me Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind on CD which gave the passion for the music.
^both my parents were into sabbath, zeppelin etc when they were younger but not so much when i was growing up (it was more cream, steeleye span, the beach boys, beatles and some other shit). i thought older rock was for old people when i was kid, i had to come around to it my own way via the offspring and nirvana and SOAD etc lol. once i hit metallica at about 13 everything just opened up though, got into the likes of priest and sabbath and slayer not long after.
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I'd been getting into AC/DC and Iron Maiden for a while when a friend gave me a TDK D90 with Master of Puppets on one side and Ride the Lightning on the other. I can't remember which side I listened to first but something clicked inside me when I heard those albums.
I thought music was superfluous for quite a while when I was a kid. Then my brother started playing the guitar. I had the same opinion concerning most of what he played, but I really liked some the the Metallica riffs he played. So one day I asked him to give me the heaviest thing he had and he gave me a Slayer album. It's pretty neat because I asked him this the day before Thanksgiving, so I can pinpoint the date that I got into metal.
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I thought music was superfluous for quite a while when I was a kid. Then my brother started playing the guitar. I had the same opinion concerning most of what he played, but I really liked some the the Metallica riffs he played. So one day I asked him to give me the heaviest thing he had and he gave me a Slayer album. It's pretty neat because I asked him this the day before Thanksgiving, so I can pinpoint the date that I got into metal.

Which year was that?
I asked my friend, when I began high school, if he could burn me a mix CD with some of the heavy stuff we had been listening to while playing Magic over the past few months, so he did. It had Sabbath, Ozzy, Metallica and Rammstein on it and it all snowballed from there.
I liked Soundgarden, Alice in Chains and Nine Inch Nails in the 1990s. From there, getting into heavy rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple while also enjoying other loud bands like Swans helped me quite a bit.

Black Sabbath was the first heavy metal band that I liked. The first truly extreme metal that I listened to and liked was much later, in the form of a handful of black metal tracks that included Burzum, Darkthrone, Xasthur and Sad Legend, the last of which was my first full black metal album that I downloaded from a video game forum.
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My friend's brother burned some metal cds for me in like the year 2000 or something. There was Slayer - God Hates Us All, there was some Dimmu Borgir I think. Then some guy in school provided me with some Cradle of Filth. I remember really liking Nuclear Assault very early. There were of course other bands popular at that time, Rage Against The Machine or System of a Down. Also Soulfly and Slipknot. I used to have a Soulfly belt and a Cradle of Filth t-shirt I was a cute little metalhead. I used to like Stratovarius too iirc. It's kinda long time ago so it's hard to remember.