Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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^ Me too, my God... How could I? :rolleyes:
No, I stop kidding...anyway, for me, Alexi and Roope don't suck now..... the thread restarts from where it was left, here we go again! Come on! :)
:cry: The threadstarter makes me sad..
Why can't some people just take it or leave it? Do you know how hard the're working? So the next thing you do is say that they suck? Not so nice, eh?
When joining this forum I saw written that some people have pretty mean opinions about COB, but I didn't expected it this bad..
Sure, cause many people like to provocate the others.... maybe have nothing better to do! Hehehe.... ;)
But, luckily, there's also someone who you can talk with....
yeah, lots of people here in UM are nice and of course funny :p but some are negative just due to boredness or bad days
Back in the day, if anyone said anything bad about Children Of Bodom, I had a fit. I would defend every last note of every last song and I would say that this music is perfect live (even though nobody believed me until I showed them Tokyo Warhearts)

Nowadays, I am the one startin these threads about how they suck. My attitude hasn't changed towards music...Bodom's has
dude, you sound like a little girl, they're label probably asked them to play this song, they probably didnt want to be there and they were most likely A.Drunk or B. hung the fuck over...

i saw them live 6 months ago and alexi played everything perfectly as if he wasnt even thinking about it.
they were backstage before a show, it just goes to show that production on a cd is really good, that did sound terrible, but i wouldnt say they sucked, who knows, nerves, booze, that roope fella doesnt seem like a good player anyhow, he reminds me of a bass player then a guitar player. but alexi seemed alright, but trying to learn the song by watching that video.... no fuck it. cant be done... doesnt sound right
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