Ashamed to be an American? Because of your opinion of its black metal? Won't bother to respond to that.
As to black metal, it is my opinion that America (well, OK, I am going to cheat a little, and expand this to NORTH America, cause a lot of good stuff has come out of Canada as well) is totally where it is at, and has been for a long time. Sure there is a lot of crap out there, but it is North America that is producing some of the most violent, nasty, vile black metal nowadays.
I humbly suggest that you might want to check out some of the following (I think these are all North American bands, please correct me if I am wrong). Although, I suppose if you are partial to the European style, you might not be able to be convinced, but what the hell---
Black Witchery (Best black metal band on the planet, IMHO)
Black Dawn (North American? Someone correct me if I am wrong)
Sacramentary Abolishment
Wind of the Black Mountains
Don't get me wrong, the Europeans have produced some of the best black metal ever, but their excellence in that area died when the "old school" died (i.e. Beherit, Archgoat, Besatt, Burzum, Demoncy, Bathory, Darkthrone, etc...)