American "black metal"?

I take leave of you now, as I am wasting your time and mine. I grow tired, and sick like attempting to listen to Peccatum. (even if emperor is back together) Have fun and remember to kill yourselves. :)
Guthrum said:
Yay or nay on these? Most of them I would say yes to. Just some off of the top of my head, but there are more worthy bands.

Blood Stained Dusk
Judas Iscariot
Grand Belial's Key
Blood Stained Dusk - Haven't heard
Weltmacht - Boring
Judas Iscariot - Boring and overrated
Weakling - Good, but songs are a bit too long
Grand Belial's Key - Haven't heard, but valid sources tell me they suck

As far as USBM goes, I like I Shalt Become, Xasthur, Black Funeral, Tearstained, Imperial Crystalline Entombment, Twilight and some Leviathan.
Birkenau said:
Blood Stained Dusk - Haven't heard
Weltmacht - Boring
Judas Iscariot - Boring and overrated
Weakling - Good, but songs are a bit too long
Grand Belial's Key - Haven't heard, but valid sources tell me they suck

As far as USBM goes, I like I Shalt Become, Xasthur, Black Funeral, Tearstained, Imperial Crystalline Entombment, Twilight and some Leviathan.

Ah, I guess I'm a fan of boring BM then. :grin:

Cursed Warrior said:
Those valid sources are wrong. Blood Stained Dusk is pretty good USBM too. It's a shame the main leader of that band was killed.

They're actually a local band. And it is a shame he died. There was a tribute show in his honor though.
Ashamed to be an American? Because of your opinion of its black metal? Won't bother to respond to that.

As to black metal, it is my opinion that America (well, OK, I am going to cheat a little, and expand this to NORTH America, cause a lot of good stuff has come out of Canada as well) is totally where it is at, and has been for a long time. Sure there is a lot of crap out there, but it is North America that is producing some of the most violent, nasty, vile black metal nowadays.

I humbly suggest that you might want to check out some of the following (I think these are all North American bands, please correct me if I am wrong). Although, I suppose if you are partial to the European style, you might not be able to be convinced, but what the hell---

Black Witchery (Best black metal band on the planet, IMHO)
Black Dawn (North American? Someone correct me if I am wrong)
Sacramentary Abolishment
Wind of the Black Mountains

Don't get me wrong, the Europeans have produced some of the best black metal ever, but their excellence in that area died when the "old school" died (i.e. Beherit, Archgoat, Besatt, Burzum, Demoncy, Bathory, Darkthrone, etc...)

I think Xasthur is rather good. Shroud of Despondency is at least unique and has something to it too.
Judas Iscariot... I think he does it well (if he attempts to play some music that he likes, without pretending to create art or be original) but it is just so unnecessary music - there is already a Darkthrone.
And what else is there..? Havohej? Boring and blatant - but unique ;) ..
If Unearthly Trance are from america i would like to add that they are great (does not matter if you would rather call them Doom).
Grand Belial's Key is the only American black metal band I like, but they aren't really black metal as much as they are blackened thrash/heavy metal. I don't like bands like Xasthur, Leviathan, Von, etc. California black metal is a joke.
American BM is Rife with Baphomet badge wearers whose philisophical/lyrical depth amounts to squat. Sorry for qouting Beck, but you can't write if you can't RELATE;I mean really, when was the last time you heard a band like BEHEMOTH come out of the states? Most U.S. BM Bands would rather lose themselves in the same old trite, banal carpathian Mountain forests fantasies than to ever even consider reading the works of AUSTN OSMAN SPARE for inspiration. Doom and Death is where we excel. As long as American Black Metal is being manufactured by surface satanists, Don't expect much.
Astral Poetry said:
Twilight is the biggest letdown of the year - too many cooks in the kitchen.

I can see that, but I still like the record a lot as well as Nachtmystium and Wolves in the Throne Room. Of course there's also Weakling...
Velvet Cacoon is ok. I do think that they are from the U.S. somewhere. I have only heard some of their tracks, but I really like the track Winterglow. It should be checked out by many.
This thread is one of the most retareded i've visited in a long time. Besides Venom and Bathory, all the 80s Black Metal bands come from America, particularly Brazil. Scandinavian bands didn't satart to crop up until like 8 years after the birth, Mayhem being the first. Blasphemy ('84), Sarcofago ('85), Vulcano ('81), Combat ('85), Holocausto ('86), N.M.E. ('84), Aamonhammer ('87), Death SS ('77(!)), etc. I could name plenty more. A lot of the early bands came from Italy too, but most came from good old US of A.