Any Christian Opeth fans????

if one of my christian friends came up and told me that they thought that me listening to emperor was bad for THEM (i know i have no problems), then i would stop.

I think the solution in that case would definitely be to get yourself some new friends!
Bleakest Harvest said:
I love black metal, but Darkthrone are indeed a pile of shite.

that sentence makes no sense, you love black metal, but dismiss darkthrone as shit? i imagine you think immortal's sons of northern darkness or the latest from dimmu borgir (i forget what it is, it's not important) is black metal. :rolleyes:
I don't understand the brownie points thing. I feel that killing is wrong. I'm sorry if that bothers anyone here. I don't feel that I'm getting any "points" from God. As far as what Katatonic289 said, I completely agree. Since my friends enjoy the same bands I do, it's not moving me away from my beliefs or theirs. As far as posting on this thread, I think I'm done, too. I only wanted to know if there were other people who feel the way I do. I wasn't planning on getting attacked for my beliefs.
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Interesti said:
Let's ignore COF :).

You have clearly heard early Emperor, as their later stuff has very clear production and thick guitars. Try the songs 'In the Wordless Chamber', 'Thorns on my Grave' and 'Depraved' from their final album Prometheus, bearing in mind that this is not strictly black metal. Personally I enjoy all Emperor that I have heard.

Darkthrone don't use keyboards but their 'garage' production does put a lot of people off. I initially didn't like black metal, especially Darkthrone, but it grew on me.

I'll give those songs a try then!
benjikong said:
I don't understand the brownie points thing. I feel that killing is wrong. I'm sorry if that bothers anyone here. I don't feel that I'm getting any "points" from God. As far as what Katatonic289 said, I completely agree. Since my friends enjoy the same bands I do, it's not moving me away from my beliefs or theirs. As far as posting on this thread, I think I'm done, too. I only wanted to know if there were other people who feel the way I do. I wasn't planning on getting attacked for my beliefs.

Dont post anything about religion on a metal forum - EVERYONEs got an opinion they want to ram down peoples throats.
Including me! The bible is all lies!
what does being christian have anything relating to opeth. opeth arent even blasphemny music.
benjikong said:
I love Opeth!!! I even like Dimmu Borgir, CoB, CoF,and Old man's child. I like virtually all kinds of Metal, but i'm a member of the christian faith. I love metal music, and as long as your not killing people, or burning churches (two reasons I didn't add emperor to my list), I respect your beliefs. Are me and my friends the only ones who like christian metal, and non-christian metal???? Are we the only christian metal fans???
A christian metalhead is like an antisemitic jew
terrymx said:
what does being christian have anything relating to opeth. opeth arent even blasphemny music.

in fact, opeth is blasphemy music. they told me as much. it is music for white people and is highly satanic and evil.
terrymx said:
what does being christian have anything relating to opeth. opeth arent even blasphemny music.

Just an example: "The hands of God, decrepit and thin..."

Obviously listening to Opeth is hardly like listening to Dimmu Borgir.

So benjikong, I ask: Do you think God appreciates your listening to bands such as Dimmu Borgir? Their lyrics suggest that their intentions are just as anti-christian, if not moreso than those of Emperor.
ok if you can give up listenin the lyrics there won't be a problem you have to get over
be ralex
god dont send you to hell just because you re a metal fan
(at least you can hope this)
People are entitled to their personal opinions. Are you telling me that it's my responsibility to dislike someone just because of their opinions? Killing someone, and disliking something are two different things. As far as the antisemitic Jew comment, the song "Black Sabbath" is a warning AGAINST satanism. I think that Black Sabbath is a metal band. If you don't believe in God, or you hate God, don't you ever, in your life, tell me what I "need" to do to be a christian. I like Dimmu Borgirs' music. Dimmu Borgir has a problem w/ christianity because of their bad experience's in Norway. If I were in their shoes, i'd probably feel the same way. I am not going to be against a group of great musicians just because we disagree. That is the most non-christian thing I could, probably, ever do. I am not participating in any non-christian manner. You want me to hate them. If I don't, you may realise that not all christians are intolerant . You don't want there to be christian metal, or christian metal fans, and I can't understand why. Is it because you don't wanna be lonely in Hell? Before you jump on me for that comment, understand that i've takin' a lot of crap from the non-christians on this board. It was just a joking jab. Get off my back. We're all Opeth fans here.
tchaicovsky was gay. does that mean i cant listen to his music?

*smacks self in head for coming back, and beth too for good measure*
Listen i have a very easy way to explain why there is no god.

the tweenies
ally Mcbeal
Speed bumps
Reality TV
Gardening programs
antique shows
Tube strikes

If there was a god, there is no way he would allow these things to exist, and if he does exist and allows these things to torment me, i hate him for being a sadistic cunt and i hope satan bukake's all over his ass.