anybody else afraid that they will stop listening to metal?

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I'd like to add my two cents to what others have posted. Even if there are some metal bands that are "cheesy" or "immature", there is nothing wrong with enjoying them at any age. It seems too common for people to try to gain a higher status by poopooing the "immature" metal (usually death) and then saying they like a nonmetal genre that is more enlightened (Dave is super guilty of this). As so many others have said, it is what is enjoyable, and rejecting some metal because it is "immature" is silly.

Also I like Jreq's point about the variety in metal. I have been into metal for nearly two years now, and I am only knowledgeable in two areas, death metal (brutal mostly) and black metal (suicidal mostly). Even within those genres I have so many more paths to explore, and then there is Doom, Thrash, Classic, etc. waiting for me. Dave claims to like all genres, yet time and again proves he knows so little about any of them. I think the reason he feels he will lose interest, is because he has yet to gain interest truly in metal.
For me, I will never get tired of listening to Metal even when I get so filthy rich or be an executive of a large corporation simply because I love the music and I can never turn my back on it whatever happens...

I'm 24 years old, and when in the future, I'll get to have kids of my own, I'll still listen to Metal and get frequent updates on it, and even would give my Metal CDs to my son or daughter if I know they are into it.... And I don't think, them listening to Metal would be such brat kids, heck I listen to Metal when I was young and I never get to try drugs or be such a nuisance to my family, and I always get high grades back in college and now, I'm a SAP ABAP programmer in one the prestigous company here in the Philippines... heck, still I listen to Metal, and will listen to it until I get old and deaf... It's not a matter of aging, it's a matter of whether you like it or not.

Karl Sanders is in his 40s. I'm sure he still likes death metal. As I said before, you stick with the music you grow up with. Many people that grew up with hippie music still listen to that stuff.

I grew up listening to shit like Phil Collins when I would ride in the car with my parents. I like me some Phil Collins, but not as much as metal.

I didn't really get addicted to metal until college. I absolutely love it.
I dunno, I have met alot of people who used to love metal in their late 10s and early 20s who have lost all interest in it.

I still think it is a strongly testosterone fueled genre, but I am not sure what will happen when I am 26 or 27.

Why do you have to set an age date when your already describing it as "childish" now? Your basically doing a disservice to metal by calling it "childish" and "just a phase you'll grow out of".
Why do you have to set an age date when your already describing it as "childish" now? Your basically doing a disservice to metal by calling it "childish" and "just a phase you'll grow out of".

I dunno man, I just have a feeling that's what it will end up as. I can't deny that one of the biggest draws of metal for me is how outlandish and exciting it is (compared to the monotonous nature of the day to day grind). Will this appeal still be there when I am older and more mature? I don't know, I certainly hope so, as I love the music.
You will only stop listening to metal if you are not of the true brotherhood! Execution awaits thee oh infidel poser... upon the storm cliff-tops of the gods you shall be put to death by the executioner of true justice in the names of the most high and mighty metal! BEHOLD THE PUNISHMENT THAT AWAITS THE UNBELIEVER!!
You will only stop listening to metal if you are not of the true brotherhood! Execution awaits thee oh infidel poser... upon the storm cliff-tops of the gods you shall be put to death by the executioner of true justice in the names of the most high and mighty metal! BEHOLD THE PUNISHMENT THAT AWAITS THE UNBELIEVER!!

where the fuck have you been? too busy blowing your boyfriend to pay us a visit? I mean YOU'RE, one smart motherfucker you know that? Did you come up with that all by yourself? God that was so rich, hilarious really. I'm amazed, you're just so funny.

You do a poor imitation of thisisacoolname. Really poor. It's like that shitty knock-off toothpaste from china.

Except the only person that would have you in thier mouth is you're father.
I remember posting in a thread a long time ago saying something to the effect that I see myself as an old man in a rocking chair on my front porch in a Burzum shirt saying, "Goddamn kids these days wouldn't know a decent black metal album if they got hit over the head with it."

there is no age limit in metal. it's largely about passion. the bands you see, the bands that last, all of their members are well into their thirties and forties. If you grow up and you find yourself listening to a different form of music, oh well. In junior high I was a rabid ska fan. things change. people evolve.
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