Rabid Headbanger
New Metal Member
most people on this forum never emotionally matured beyond the age of 14 so you cant really expect them to understand
You say that as if it's a bad thing!
most people on this forum never emotionally matured beyond the age of 14 so you cant really expect them to understand
Dave is baiting the fuck out of everyone, this is hilarious.
OMG King Richard is so retarded it's causing me to use stupid little kid netspeak texting crap! Dude, why would you "brag" in your sig about having people on ignore, and then keep replying to their posts?
You're the first person I have even considered putting on ignore...but you're such an easy target if I am ever feeling bad about myself.
coolI am absolutely busting my ass right now so things will be much much easier down the line. I should have my degree a little after I turn 21 years old. I should have my car (05 acura TL - gorgeous vehicle that I will purchase very soon here) payed off by then as well.
earlier you start, and the harder you work at a younger age, the more succesful and the easier everything will be down the line my dad always told me.
Can you not make one post without planning your entire future down to the fucking mascara you will wear to graduation?
OMG King Richard is so retarded it's causing me to use stupid little kid netspeak texting crap! Dude, why would you "brag" in your sig about having people on ignore, and then keep replying to their posts?
You're the first person I have even considered putting on ignore...but you're such an easy target if I am ever feeling bad about myself.
...if you think you'll see metal as kids stuff when you're older that probably means youre listening to the wrong stuff or the right stuff for the wrong reasons in which case yeah you probably will grow out of it
i don't see why your tastes changing is anything to be afraid of though
i wish dave would speed up the process and stop listening to metal now so i don't have to read anymore of his bs
Woo congrats, Canada is nice they say. How come your location thing says Romania?
first it was his problems with his dad and not getting a upper middle class lifestyle and now it's fear of being a executive who listens to metal in his spare time at home and being afraid of what others at work will think of him... it's like he's afraid that they will find out he's a homo or that he crossdresses ...
me, myself... i been listening to metal in one of it's forms or genre's since 1983 (i'm 35 now)... i used to have long hair but now i have short hair and wear a suit.. im not a executive but make a decent living.. and i never let any job or society dictate what i listen to... music is music.. listen to whatever the fuck you want and do not have these notions that one music is more adult then another... do you really think there aren't executives out there that do not listen to metal? lol of course there is... when i used to work record stores in my late teens and early 20's they came into the store buying metal.. the suit and tie guys... maybe not alot but they are out there... and this isn't high school... no one at work gives a fuck what you listen to... hell homosexuality is being more accepted by people at jobs then before.. so why care what they think of the music you listen to? ...
people are misunderstanding me. I don't give a shit what other people think, I go to parties with a suffocation shirt that reads "pierced from within", LOL I'll wear slayer, nile, morbid angel and metallica shirts anywhere.
I just think I may end up losing interest in it because it will seem immature/childish to me as I grow up.
As much as I love metal now, I can't deny the cheesiness of many bands as well as entire subgenres in metal. I just don't know if it will appeal to me when I am 28 or 29 (and my perspective in life has undertaken a dramatic change from 18 to 29)
However, I would NEVER stop listening to metal because of what others think. I don't give a shit about that now, why would I give a shit about that later on?
But you do care Dave... because you brought up the being the executive thing... if you think it will be childish you will think your colleagues will think its childish too.. right now you don't care because you work at GNC... but down the road you are afraid that when you are a executive if you still listen to it you won't be the "right stuff" in the eyes of your colleagues due to your taste in music... like you won't be blue blood or something.. high society...
btw all music genre's have some cheesiness in one way or another... think of a music genre other then metal and i bet most of us can name it's cheesiness associated with it... one thing i learned the Deron already mentioned is that as you grow older you become more open to other music but you will always still listen to metal .. i'm 35 and when i was your age i was a total metal freak but now i listen to all types of music like dixie jazz, blues, new age, classical ,flamenco etc... but metal will always be my true love and i don't see it as childish and immature music.. on the contrary i see it as mature because it incorporates other music genre's into it... sure the costumes and such can be cheesy & childish but the music itself i don't consider to be...
I actually listen to more non metal than metal at this point anyways.