anybody else afraid that they will stop listening to metal?

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I dunno, I have met alot of people who used to love metal in their late 10s and early 20s who have lost all interest in it.

I still think it is a strongly testosterone fueled genre, but I am not sure what will happen when I am 26 or 27.
I dunno, I have met alot of people who used to love metal in their late 10s and early 20s who have lost all interest in it.

I still think it is a strongly testosterone fueled genre, but I am not sure what will happen when I am 26 or 27.

Well I'm more into it now than ever... don't worry. Who cares if you grow out of it or not?
Get over it man and take your future one day at a time. If your friends "evolved" to like other kinds of music that's their business. And what the fuck is up with that testosterone crap, I don't listen to metal because it fires my rage, I listen to it because I like lots of the lyrical themes, the cheese factor and the culture. I also listen to MC Chris, William Shatner and Kent. Because I like it. Listen to what you like and I reapeat myself stop being a fucking idiot.
I hate the notion of the 'true metal fan' tbh. I'd much prefer "passionate music enthusiast" or something. I don't think listening to one style of music predominantly for your whole life is a good thing at all, and I wonder whether someone who does so does it because they really love the style or whether they are scared of change and get stuck.

Or perhaps said individual has tried to get into almost all other styles of music (jazz, classical, pop, even rap), but they failed to engage him as metal does.

Quit assuming someone is automatically doing something out of lack of self esteem or lack of adventure. Maybe someone really does love metal that much.

Besides, within metal, there are so many avenues to take. Classical metal? Listen to Profanum. Jazz style metal? Listen to Cynic, Pan Thy Monium. Pop metal? Listen to DImmu, In Flames or CoB. Black, death, doom, industrial, metalcore, thrash, noise, folk, the possibilities are endless and all are different. It does not matter that they fall under the same umbrella.

For the record, I do enjoy some world music and traditional folk.
You make it sound as if every major period of transition and change in your life is going to require a whole personal makeover to succeed. The replies from several people here certainly show that is not true, and I've known several people with good jobs, a wife and kids, bills up the ass, and they are still just as fired up about metal as anyone half their age.

Other responsibilities and obligations may increase with age and cut into the time and money you once invested in collecting records or attending shows, but that says nothing about the importance of music in your life. At 25, I'm certainly in a much different place in life than I was when I first got into metal over a decade ago, with precious little free time and cash between work, school, a girlfriend, rent and a car to pay off, but I can say without hesitation that metal has never been more important to me than it is now. Even with the fact that my tastes have expanded considerably over time into other types of music, metal has become way too deeply entrenched into who I am for it to go away.
You make it sound as if every major period of transition and change in your life is going to require a whole personal makeover to succeed. The replies from several people here certainly show that is not true, and I've known several people with good jobs, a wife and kids, bills up the ass, and they are still just as fired up about metal as anyone half their age.

Other responsibilities and obligations may increase with age and cut into the time and money you once invested in collecting records or attending shows, but that says nothing about the importance of music in your life. At 25, I'm certainly in a much different place in life than I was when I first got into metal over a decade ago, with precious little free time and cash between work, school, a girlfriend, rent and a car to pay off, but I can say without hesitation that metal has never been more important to me than it is now. Even with the fact that my tastes have expanded considerably over time into other types of music, metal has become way too deeply entrenched into who I am for it to go away.

why do you still have school at age 25? going for a masters or a phd?
Karl Sanders is in his 40s. I'm sure he still likes death metal. As I said before, you stick with the music you grow up with. Many people that grew up with hippie music still listen to that stuff.
I HATE when people belittle Metal and act like it is a lesser genre of music, and talk about "growing out" of it because it is "childish" or "silly". I am sure many musicians would take offense to the notion.
I hate when people talk of metal like it was something different that "other" people aren't "worthy of" or "don't understand". You sound like emo faggots. It's just music. Metal in a sentence unless it's the first word doesn't have a capital M.
I HATE when people belittle Metal and act like it is a lesser genre of music, and talk about "growing out" of it because it is "childish" or "silly". I am sure many musicianship would take offense to the notion.

you can't deny that alot of metal is cheesy and not exactly mature

see cannibal corpse or the 20,000 brutal death metal bands.
what music doesnt have cheesy artists?

im sure there are classical music aficianados that claim some random classical composer is velveeta incarnate

look at what passes for popular music these days. it's either about sex, pimps, and get rich or die tryin', nigga. tell me it's not cheesy seeing whitebread suburban kid acting like he's a hardcore gansta.
I think it'll be exciting when I'm a really old guy with grandkids and I'm still listening to metal. I'll make my grandkids listen to metal and I'll punch them in the face if they listen to gay shit and I'll probably be the coolest old guy ever.
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