Are Opeth fans born annoying...

Jan 14, 2003
Pennsylvania, USA
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... or are their overbearing parents rearing them to be assholes?

The other day I was at the record shop checking to see if they had the General Surgery/County Medical Examiners split (is it even out yet?) and there were these three.... I dunno, I guess you could say they looked like they listened to a lot of emo, kids looking around. The one picked up an Opeth CD was quoted the sticker on the front, some bullshit about Opeth (and they said Opeth in an annoying matter, must have learned the pronunciation from some asshole on mTV) being metal's "finest band" or something. Then he said "I couldn't agree more, cause they've got everything covered.", or some dumb shit. Then they wandered about, picking up practically every CD in the shop and laughing at it. "Haha, Aborted!", "Haha, Carcass!", "Haha, Anathema!", "Haha, Iron Maiden!", "Haha, Graveland!". The only other thing they said that wasn't like something straight out of Beavis and Butthead was about Korn, and that went as follows:

fat emo/Opeth fan: I heard Jonathan Davis is bi-sexual.
some other fat emo/Opeth fan: Aw man! I'm gonna burn my Korn CD's now.

So anyway, is this a local thing or are all of Opeth's "nu" fans this goddamn irritating?
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I am a huge Opeth fan but I know they arent gods by any means. I have a friend who is a ANNOYING DIE HARD TOOL FAN and I constantly tell him they suck ass. I love Tool but goddamned people need to just admit there are so many other great bands.

You should have punched both their mothers for laughing at Carcass.
Why is it that people can't ever see past their fave band?

U2's my favorite. I can definitely see their shortcomings. Doesn't change a thing, though.

Maybe they were laughing at Reek or Symphonies?
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I dont know if im more annoyed by those kind of Opeth fans, your thread bitching about those kind of Opeth fans, or having to see those dumb dykes in your avatar every time you post.
And the fact that his username is the moniker of one of the most idiotic individuals in the music world. Ever.
Haha...I'm a big Opeth fan, I don't act like that. I do think there are alot of other better bands technically and songwriting wise although I think Opeth has alot of emotion in their music. My opinion anyway.

Like everything, there are exceptions and I think you got the wrong end of the stick when you saw those Opeth "fans" acting like dickheads. Either way, the Opeth board is full of fanboyism although there are the occasional good threads. *sigh*
Those fans seem like complete cunts but i wouldnt judge all us opeth fans just on them. You never know, they may been sarcastic about opeth, making out they're huge opeth fans and then going and mocking other bands....
Opeth is for trendy, emo-listening teenagers. Just let it go and listen to something better, which isn't hard to find.
Well I agree to some extent. I'm a fanboy slowly converting to reality after discovering so much fucking good music. A year ago I'd admit i was a metallica fanboy and would say their leaps and bounds above the rest. But theres so many kick ass bands that there just one of the gang now with opeth, nevermore, testament, blind guardian, dark tranquillity,and the lot. The mainstream cock rock scene is out there blurring the vision of today's youth.

P.S were they really fat? Lol
Opeth is a good band . If you don't like go away , if you like just listen to it and stop being offensive as soon as they're criticized (sp? arg)
Those guys don't sound like Opeth fans to me; they sound like posers. There's a startling amount of them now (the downside to P2P), and some unusual scenarios reuslt from this.

Can you imagine a conversation in which four people are discussing Opeth, Poison The Well, Death Cab For Cutie, Him, Linkin Park, Death, Anal Cunt, and Limp Bizkit? I've heard one like that about two weeks ago; the scary thing is, I don't think these kids have any tether to the musical world.
I'll admit to being an Opeth fanboy (just before typing this post, I heard three notes of a song on an internet radio station and correctly identified it as being 'In My Time Of Need' from Damnation), but not to the extent where I ridicule other bands or become a fanatical loony...
I like Opeth, but they are not among my top five favorite bands. I just think it is idiotic how some die hard Opeth fans think that Opeth is far superior to any other band out there and think anyone who doesn't share that opinion is an idiot. So it's only those Opeth fanboys that worship the band that I find annoying, and only if they constantly show it.
It's ok to be a fanboy of certain bands. Aslong as you dont shit on other people's musical tastes. That's just being immature. If someone like's morbid angel dont say morbid angel sucks, If your a fanboy of arch enemy dont say everything else blows. Different music for different tastes. Keep your palette clean my brothers! I also find it quite odd in the metal world when a band comes out with one bad album, They get shit on by there own fans. It's the old "Not what have you done for me. But what have you done for me lately" approach. Enjoy the albums you do like of the band and stop focusing on what you dont like. You'll live much happier lives my friends. In Flames gets shit on nowadays because of reroute to remain. But what about clayman, colony, whoracle, lunar strain, & jester race. Those albums dont get shit on. If a band can put out 6 albums and 5 of them you enjoy. Then be happy! It seems as though people let 1 album they dont like outweigh a half dozen albums they do like by the artist. Not each band can cater to your individual tastes! Sorry im just ranting.
Its cool to see you saying that allwithin, baring in mind when you first came on the board you'd rip it out of anyone who liked opeth, dying fetus and carcass :) and i dont want to sound elitest but i agree with ffantic 100%
Well I still dont like Carcass or Dying Fetus. As far as opeth goes. I was a fucking fool who needed a swift kick in the ass a while back. Thank God I had an epiphany and opened my ears. Or I'd be missing out on one of my favorite bands. As far as opeth fans go. Everyone was cool as fuck at the la shows. Alot of casual fans though who only had 1 or 2 albums. Nothing wrong with that though. More money for opeth pockets. And they deserve it. As far as old dirty goes... How old were those opeth fans who annoyed you? If they are 18 or younger it could be the simple fact that their immature teens and not fairweather open fans that really bothered you?