Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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Can anyone mention names of bands with the style and atmosphere of Black Metal but that are not antichristian? They could be pagan, atheists, christian or whatever.
Sorath said:
If you think Crimson Moonlight, Lengsel, Antestor, Kekal, and Slechvalk are black metal you've gotten it all wrong. True, I haven't heard all of ther bands but I doubt they would classify as black metal.

If Emperor and Dissection doesn't insult christianity (possibly not that much through lyrics, but the band members' actions and such) my name is John Hong woppa moppa dodoo.
My guess is that you haven't heard any of these bands if you do not think they are black metal...The only one that's really on the edge is Kekal, b/c they combine so many different styles. And I hold the stance that Emperor was defiently black metal until Prometheus.
Crimson Moonlight is a band that I think is on the verge of becoming extremely good, their last CD was pretty amazing.
Sorath said:
Like I said, you simply do not get it.
Man, FUCK you!

I'll start a new band tomorrow. We'll be brutal, and n3cro and kVlt and more black metal than fucking Bathory. AND we'll sing songs about having faith in God and helping your fellow man, equality for all.

Then you'll see.
The thing I do not understand is why someone would want to be christian ?

Why would someone want to be an atheist or satanist? Neither of those offer any hope whatsoever and they're equally vain beliefs. Honestly, what is so appealing about believing in nothing and "knowing" that you'll just rot in the ground after you die?

I don't know what you think black metal is, Sorath, but do any of these ring a bell? Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Bathory, Venom, Dimmu Borgir, Absurd, Dark Funeral, Marduk, etc. Don't tell me I don't understand what black metal is, there are just many different forms of black metal today also. I used to listen to lots of satanic and anti-christian music before I became a Christian. But really, how is Emperor not black metal? If you say they are, then Antestor and Crimson Moonlight certainly are too. Antestor even has Hellhammer playing drums on their new album. Don't think you're "kvlt" because you're intolerant of Christians, even your black metal heroes are helping Christian black metal bands produce stuff. If it weren't for Christianity, there would be no black metal anyways!
My posts have nothing to do with BM and are directed towards just religion, I only listen to about 3 BM bands once in awile and I do not even no what they talk about because I know the lyrics are going to be cheesy shit so I do not want to read them. And I will never care to or take the bands seriously because I know they are for entertainment reason's only and the bands and everything lyrically are based on fantasy. I am not saying Fantasy is bad but most of the bands do not take it seriously and it is an image and something to talk about to fit the music and are actually very down to earth people. Everyone needs to help make the day faster and needs to leave reality once in awile and that is all they are doing. Just like in a movie with actors, that is to me what BM is.

I do not see the point in believing in something that is not proven and then living my entire life a lie or with false hope that meant jackshit and never did anyting. It is all such shit and there are better things out there than to belelive in something False and also destroy your brain with all of it. It wrecks the entire reason on why we are here. Religion is no different from Laws or rules in someone's house hold to try to keep people all the same and organize everything and cause everything to have bounderies and try to keep everything in check or what would be considered NORMAL. When the earth formed there was no bounderies and it was endless until people fucked with it and destroyed it.
Any black metal that is deemed mainstream you can pretty much guarantee is terrible, this music, along with cradle of filth of course, is music for the mall goths. And nothing more. If you are mainstream black metal you automatically cannot make a cd with attitude, i'm sorry but your not gonna make a cd that people take seriously in a studio. Take darkthrone for example, or small projects like northwood ice pentagrams or abruptum, they dont want good production because it takes away from the experience and the raw feelings within the music. I myself am in a black metal band, and it's disgusting how people think we 'must sound like COF' or some crap like that. Dimmu Borgir should sit down, there's no such thing as mainstream BM.
That was a quote from a reviewer on Amazon.

Just to prove how insecure and troubled some black metal purists are.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Man, FUCK you!

I'll start a new band tomorrow. We'll be brutal, and n3cro and kVlt and more black metal than fucking Bathory. AND we'll sing songs about having faith in God and helping your fellow man, equality for all.

Then you'll see.
What part of YOU DO NOT GET IT is it you're not getting?

Oh, wait...

anonymousnick2001 said:
Any black metal that is deemed mainstream you can pretty much guarantee is terrible, this music, along with cradle of filth of course, is music for the mall goths. And nothing more. If you are mainstream black metal you automatically cannot make a cd with attitude, i'm sorry but your not gonna make a cd that people take seriously in a studio. Take darkthrone for example, or small projects like northwood ice pentagrams or abruptum, they dont want good production because it takes away from the experience and the raw feelings within the music. I myself am in a black metal band, and it's disgusting how people think we 'must sound like COF' or some crap like that. Dimmu Borgir should sit down, there's no such thing as mainstream BM.
Choosing to let some random moron spouting nonsense on represent "black metal purists" only makes you look even more like someone who doesn't know the first fucking thing about black metal. To paraphrase said moron, perhaps you should sit down.
TaylorC said:
Why would someone want to be an atheist or satanist? Neither of those offer any hope whatsoever and they're equally vain beliefs. Honestly, what is so appealing about believing in nothing and "knowing" that you'll just rot in the ground after you die?
How about knowing (note that I did not put quotes around that) that nothing you do matters, so that you can live your life the way you want to without having to fear "going to Hell?" How about being able to make your decisions based on your own ethics -- that you have actually THOUGHT UP YOURSELF TO FIT YOUR LIFE (such a novel concept!) -- instead of relying on some book written thousands of years ago by men no more divine than you or I? I take immense comfort in knowing that if I would want to, I could end my own life right here and now and there would be nothing after it, and nothing I have ever done mattered, or will. Hope? I would rather see the hopelessness of life and have the insight that I can therefore do what I want, than throw away my only life for "hope" of some glorious life after death.
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If I end up living a wasted life with false hope, I don't care, since we'd all be living ultimately pointless lives anyways, in that case it's a no-win situation. But think for a minute that maybe what you make up yourself isn't always right, think that maybe you don't know what's best for you. People always make stupid decisions that affirm the fact that we don't know what's best. Now think what if there really is an afterlife? What if everything I'm saying is true? There's a lot more to lose if you reject something that's true, than if there was never anything there to begin with. We don't have the satisfaction of living without the fear of dying, so why is it any different to live with the fear of Hell?

There will always be that question of "what happens after I die". It doesn't matter to me whether you care or not, just don't bash and criticize something you don't understand. You all talk about how Christians cant understand black metal, did you ever think maybe you don't understand Christianity? If you rot your brains listening to "fuck Jesus" lyrics and stuff over and over again, of course you'll adopt that concept. It's also a matter of not wanting to be accountable. You'd rather do what you please without having to answer for it, so you support the anti-God theories and such crap. You also talk about brainwashing, but I know there is none going on in my church or among my friends. All I see is open-minded people being brainwashed into hatred and disbelief by others who would rather live in ignorance than seek the truth behind any religion or belief.
TaylorC said:
If I end up living a wasted life with false hope, I don't care, since we'd all be living ultimately pointless lives anyways, in that case it's a no-win situation.
That makes sense.

TaylorC said:
But think for a minute that maybe what you make up yourself isn't always right, think that maybe you don't know what's best for you. People always make stupid decisions that affirm the fact that we don't know what's best. Now think what if there really is an afterlife? What if everything I'm saying is true? There's a lot more to lose if you reject something that's true, than if there was never anything there to begin with. We don't have the satisfaction of living without the fear of dying, so why is it any different to live with the fear of Hell?
Speak for yourself, christian. I live without any fear of dying whatsoever. IF, contradictory to all science, rationality and logic, there is an afterlife and I will burn in hell in eternity, then HOORAY, one point for you, and a fucking well-deserved one too. I'll give you permission to descend to hell and laugh in my fucking face for eternity if that ever happens. That's just a ridiculously laughably miniscule-to-the-point-of-being-nonexistant "chance" I'm willing to take, weighed against the alternative.

TaylorC said:
There will always be that question of "what happens after I die". It doesn't matter to me whether you care or not, just don't bash and criticize something you don't understand. You all talk about how Christians cant understand black metal, did you ever think maybe you don't understand Christianity?
I talk about how people who do not understand black metal do not understand black metal. Nothing else. Kindly refrain from putting words in my mouth.

TaylorC said:
<lots of crap unrelated to anything I've ever said> You'd rather do what you please without having to answer for it, so you support the anti-God theories and such crap.
Really. Now tell me, where did I say that I do not answer for my actions?
Come on. Just let us forget black metal for a moment. Christianity and all other mainstream religions are stupid. Period. Are you all so unsure of yourself that you must seek comfort in something so artifical and manmade as x-ianity? Sad and pathetic. Godnatt Amerika, whereever you are.
Erik said:
What part of YOU DO NOT GET IT is it you're not getting?
The fact that I do get it, and that he doesn't. What's to get?

Black metal is defined as a style of music. Not an ideology. I like black metal. It is aurally pleasing. The fact that I think the lyrics are bullshit is irrelevant when it comes to my enjoyment of the music. There, a true music fan has spoken.
anonymousnick2001 said:
The fact that I do get it, and that he doesn't. What's to get?

Black metal is defined as a style of music. Not an ideology. I like black metal. It is aurally pleasing. The fact that I think the lyrics are bullshit is irrelevant when it comes to my enjoyment of the music. There, a true music fan has spoken.
Black metal is ideology and music combined. Christian black metal CAN NOT exist. Case CLOSED; you are clueless regarding the matter and I will not discuss the point further with you because you obviously do not have the SLIGHTEST idea of what you are speaking about.
In other words, your close-mindedness hit a brick wall the second I showed up and you are now pouting in frustration. I see.

What would a band with Darkthrone/Mayhem's exact sound and Christian lyrics be called?
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