Nevermores new album is good because they took all the great aspects of their previous albums such as more solos, emotion, chunk, and brutality, and used them to form This Godless Endeavor. It is a best of in its own right.
Cob on the other hand took all of their old trademarks, ie. LONG Keyboard and Guitar Solos, GOOD lyrics, interesting song structures, and threw them all out of the window, shortening the solos for the sake of radio, writing lyrics that sound like some schoolboy toughboy rapping, for example "Its my world, your in it, Itll take you down in a minute." Bodom was better when they sang about the fucking reaper. Now its just leave me be because im so much better than all of you and i dont give a flying fuck.
its bullshit, and this thread is bullshit, and its exactly why ive only been in off-topic lately. and joonas, i dont know why your back, but i
uke: in your general direction.
and bob, in that "New to the forum? Read this" Notice, could you edit to say for the new members not to make stupid threads about AYDY and just to post on the 48 existing ones? Thank You.