Are you Open-Minded?

I have to say that after some time, I have become close-minded.... to hip-hop and pop, and much alternative rock. Simply because what I have heard is just plain boring and I have given up on it. However I am open-minded with other forms of music including metal (in all its forms), classical/orchestral, jazz... but of course I mainly listen to metal. Techno doesn't really interest me, for somewhat the same reason as I don't listen to hip-hop and pop.
Pop/techno is going to basic and "boring" by definition just for what it is "for".
Hip-hop has potential which sadly isn't being reached.

So its not about being closed to pop its more like pop not being worth your time.
I think I will never like hip-hop because I rarely like hip-hop beats. And a brother raping on top about bitches and the hood rarely makes things better.
Hip-Hop,Pop,Country,Techno have absolutley nothing to say to me. Be honest, is there anything in that type of music that is remotley good. What Braighs said on Pg1 is pretty accurate. ! am not close-minded beacause I don't like the above-mentioned. IMO, it is based on image not integrity of music-making. It's drek, it's shit, it's garbage. The people who like this crap are those who want an instant reaction to music. They DON"T want to use their minds and ears. They're just fuckin' lazy. Period.
ironbeard said:
Hip-Hop. Be honest, is there anything in that type of music that is remotley good.






Modern American Hip Hop/Rap however is shit. 50 Cent for example, rubbish. British Rap (like The Streets) however, i can get away with because it isn't about bling and ho's it's about normal stuff like, breaking up with your gilrfriends or trying to chat a girl up in a club only to be rejected and go home for kebab and wank.
ironbeard said:
Techno. Be honest, is there anything in that type of music that is remotley good.

sasha - airdrawndagger

its in the techno realm. its all electronic with some dance beats. i don't know much about the sub-genres of techno, so i don't know what to call this. all that i know is that its fucking sweet...and is probably one of my favorite albums. you should seriously give this a shot...its definetely an entire-album listen.

i noticed that you mentioned the sky moves sideways as being your favorite porcupine tree album. if you dig the ambient, electronic might really like this album.
ironbeard said:
Hip-Hop,... ha absolutley nothing to say to me. Be honest, is there anything in that type of music that is remotley good. IMO, it is based on image not integrity of music-making. It's drek, it's shit, it's garbage. The people who like this crap are those who want an instant reaction to music. They DON"T want to use their minds and ears. They're just fuckin' lazy. Period.

Ummm, that is incredibly close-minded to say. Wow. For example, do you think all metal is made by and for angsty, raging teenagers who just want aggression music? Or that metal is just for animal sacrificing satan worshippers? Many people do think those things. Of course they're wrong, they are just too close-minded to actually explore the genre and isntead make erroneous generalizations that, when exposed by someone who knows more than their prejudice (no I do not mean racial prejudice, I mean musical), makes the first guy look like a tool.

Go check out cLOUDDEAD. Awesome hip-hop. Avant-garde rap. Doesn't matter is you like it, but you tell me that that's instant reaction music, or that they attract listeners who don't want to use their minds or ears. There is more to metal than throwing devil horns and hitting people in a mosh pit. And there's a fucking hell of a lot more to hip-hop than 50 Cent.
i think the only rap or so on i can "like" is respect for the artists themselves, however the music i still hate. like Ice T he's alright because he doesn't act like a douche. he's one of a few
I think its about perception.

Like for example, the average Joe on the street is going to think that all metal bands have no talent, devoid of melody and is just an awful racket! Of course everyone here doesnt see it like that.

A lot of Metalheads might say that Punk music is music played by people with no musical skill, and the music is too simplistic and such, but the thing is, theyre looking at it from a Metal perspective, where such things as tehcnical skill and complexity are far more recognised than most punk music. A punk fan might think that metal doesnt have any 'attitude' or something, but thats looking from a punk perspective.

I think someone who is musically open-minded can look at any band or artist and see the qualities in that music. Even if you don't like it, you can still appreciate it. The people who wrote the music obviously think what they have done is good and if someone listens to it and doesnt like it, it means that they aren't looking at it from a similar point of view to the artist who wrote it.

I don't know if any of this is making a whole lot of sense, but I am not particularly good at explaining what I think and also the fact I haven't slept in 2 days certainly doesnt help lol!
i think i'm quite open-minded, with metal (in all its forms) being my favourite genre.

these artists i enjoy most:

Primordial, Orphaned Land, Katatonia, In The Woods, Madder Mortem, Nile, Morgion, Anathema, Iron Maiden, Ancient Rites, Nevermore, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Mike Oldfield, Enya, Genesis, Laliya, Willy Astor, Andres Segovia, Cappadona, Dead Can Dance, Gustav Holst, Richard Wagner, Chaikovsky, Moonlight, Anastacia, Alicia Keys, Garmarna, Trial Of The Bow, Gåte, Camel, Dredg, Divlje Jagode, Bian Eno, Leonard Cohen, Dire Straits, Highland, Gypsy Kings + various soundtrack-composers like W. Kilar or H. Zimmer
I have never been close minded about music. Although I find pop music detestable. :heh: I was never exposed to any metal at all until last year. I would say I made a quick progression from listening to hiphop to alternative to punk to metal in less than a year. I would have to say metal is the most progressive out of most popular music.
Autumnal, I appreciate your point. But, just because I think rap. hip-hop, pop, country and techno are shit, does not mean I'm close-minded. I am not looking at it from a metal perspective. Simply from a musical perspective. This type of music makes my teeth hurt. I have listened to it and there is NOTHING I like about it. I am not percieving it from a racial stanpoint. Some of my best friends are black. Excuse me, while I put on my ten-gallon hat and fuckin' cowboy boots, along with my skin-tight jeans so all the girls will be amazed at my huge basket (all about image, not music) man. Yippee Ki ay, mother fucker.