Bands that (you think) suck and why!!!

Yes, I did hit my 666 count
thank god eos posted something and the two finns stopped.... don't you people sleep, eat, go out???? But I forgot... the only thing you do is drink (and then possibly throw-up)... hehe

And for once don't change the goddamn topic!!!
We do everything you said above, but not while at work (well, expect for eating). And as you can see, we really tried to keep in topic and even when we strayed from it, it wasn't a huge leap now was it?

back to topic, I bloody hate Ace of Base (swedish pop-band) and that just popped into my mind 'cause they're playing on the radio. Too stoopid happy happy lyrics and casio-like drum-machines banging on the background...
@sol83:certainly agree with u:)

and for the original topic's sake (?) :
I think Immortal and Gehenna sucks!
and whatever you say, I think Cradle of filth is amazing!!
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
We do everything you said above, but not while at work (well, expect for eating). And as you can see, we really tried to keep in topic and even when we strayed from it, it wasn't a huge leap now was it?

back to topic, I bloody hate Ace of Base (swedish pop-band) and that just popped into my mind 'cause they're playing on the radio. Too stoopid happy happy lyrics and casio-like drum-machines banging on the background...

All that she wants is another baby
she´s gone tomorrow... :o

HAHAHA.. They still exist?? :guh: :erk:
bands that are fake
bands that rip off other bands
bands that do it for fame and money
bands that consider themselve "special"
bands that are shite
Originally posted by the_good_son141
BTW, have you heard about Opeth on the 6 December on thessaloniki? i think its quite sure...:hotjump: :yow:

Hello Michali!I've heard about Opeth playing in Athens on the 6th of December.i dunno about Thessaloniki's me 20th birthday on the 7th lalalala:grin:
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris
Hello Michali!I've heard about Opeth playing in Athens on the 6th of December.i dunno about Thessaloniki's me 20th birthday on the 7th lalalala:grin:

hi little sophia!since its my name date today,i demand some attention and tenderness please!!:spin:
ok,i know.its hard to remember some dates,i forgive you:p

well i have some other news too...(alt+shift) åëðéæù íá êáèåóáé êáðïõ: ôï óõìðáí ìïõ áëëáîå áíôéäéáìåôñéêá êáé áðïöáóéóá íá ðñïóöåñù óôçí êïéíùíéá åðéôåëïõò. åðéáóá äïõëåéá óôçí åèíéêç ôñáðåæá êáé åéìáé óåññåò ìïíéìá! å,êáëõôåñá íá ôï ìáèáéíåò áðåõèåéáò áðï ìåíá êáé íá ìç ôï ðåôïõóå ï éíäéáíïò áðïôïìá.
êáëá åéíáé ðáíôùò êáé ñé÷íåéò ãåëéï ìå ôïõò ðáðïõäåò ðïõ óõíáíôáò,êáé ìåôá ôï ìåóçìåñé åéóáé free!!!!!
are you still there?

it seems rational to have opeth on 6dec,friday on thes and the day after to go in athens.that is common in greece
if they dont come i will be very angry:mad: :mad:
i'll open their bank account and take their money!
PS:you can trust me...:rolleyes:
Opeth here would be nice.... not that I have such a huge obsession with them like many of you guys, but they're decent.... I'm eagerly waiting for Death In Vegas and Puressence later this month...
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
All pop bands

Sorry for having a taste

like what?
U2 / Westlife / K3 :lol: / Michael Jackson ?????? Well in general or what in particular? ah!
I guess if a band is becoming popular, they are also being more hated...
Like Limp Bizkit, 3 dollar bill yall$ ruled for many people
Significant other came out, more peeps liked it, until Nookie scored! Then they were utter crap! Dumb people, isn't it?
Pointing out to me? :)
I never liked 'em man. Not my style at all. I hate the label "nu-metal" even more than the music itself though. It shouldn't be called metal. "Regular" people get a wrong vision on what metal is, they often don't know about real metal like Sepultura or Slayer, they think metal is Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit :mad::mad::mad:
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Pointing out to me? :)
often don't know about real metal like Sepultura or Slayer, they think metal is Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit :mad::mad::mad:

No, I'm not. But when you visit other websites you notice many people saying they liked 3dollar, and hate the other 2...

Totally agreeing with the LP/LB thing though!
Slipknot is metal anyway!