Bands that (you think) suck and why!!!

Originally posted by moody
ah well, so what if i told you that the second song sounds like jimi hendrix because of the wah-wah? :spin:

:lol: :lol: :lol: ok, so you give us one more similar artist!
seriously now, manson it is for some ground at least for me. and it contains some classic mdb tunes,and its got heaviness too. but this experiment didnt satisfy the close fans,thats it.
Originally posted by moody
i think TLATEOTW was all right except that it had a few weak tracks, flat production, lame lyrics & cheesy artwork

Weak tracks? agreed! flat production? certainly. lame lyrics? fucking NO! Cheesy artwork? maybe, but the idea behind it is great! (Now where is Heiko, he should have a nice opinion 'bout this one :))
I kept word about giving 34.788 %... Complete a new try... you're right mehdi, this album deserves attention... :o
Now, I probably didn't like it few years ago, because i wasn't openminded: i was a metalfreak, I loved their other work, and most important: don't give me some strange music! 3 years ago I wouldn't have appreciated A Fine Day to Exit, so is Moonspell's Sin... I'm more openminded and I can really enjoy the music itselves now.
Originally posted by moody
you're not supposed to agree, just to mention a few bands that sound like the % percent album. go ahead mate, i'm listening :)
Actually I never said that they are 100% like some electro\industrial music crap, I meant that they put into the music just certain elements, you can't deny it. It is like "ok, we'll put some electro stuff here and there and then we finnaly will become world famous and commercial" - Theatre Of Tragedy, Paradise Lost, Tiamat, Moonspell did that, shall i give more examples, it reminds somehow on the 90% of the present gothic metal bands that were death metal, but when they saw what's going on - they put here some female vocs, there some violin or keyboards and now they're labeled as gothic metal. And people are buying it, althought that most often the music is not worthy at all. I mean the beauty and the beast type of bands...same is with the electro stuff...
At least this is my humble opinion...:grin:
As for the MDB there's a similar discussion about % album, Hamish said in the board that for the next album they'll change a lot, whatever they do I hope that at least they will focus on doing their thing, like Anathema did.
can't agree with you and for the description of TLATEOTW, but it is a matter of personal tastes, so I won't comment it...
Originally posted by Ivo
Actually I never said that they are 100% like some electro\industrial music crap, I meant that they put into the music just certain elements, you can't deny it. It is like "ok, we'll put some electro stuff here and there and then we finnaly will become world famous and commercial" - Theatre Of Tragedy, Paradise Lost, Tiamat, Moonspell did that
[Bit reminds somehow on the 90% of the present gothic metal bands that were death metal, but when they saw what's going on - they put here some female vocs, there some violin or keyboards and now they're labeled as gothic metal. And people are buying it, althought that most often the music is not worthy at all. I mean the beauty and the beast type of bands...same is with the electro stuff...

Wich bands have changed into the B&B-genre? :confused: Can't remember a single one.
And becoming a bit Electronic-oriented, no band succeeded in it to become more popular by it, at the contrary, fans started to lose faith in them... (and Tiamat is not very electronic, ambient okay, but not flashy as ToT or Moonspell)
They're (were) doing stuff they likes and payed a price for it.
Originally posted by Ivo
Actually I never said that they are 100% like some electro\industrial music crap, I meant that they put into the music just certain elements, you can't deny it. It is like "ok, we'll put some electro stuff here and there and then we finnaly will become world famous and commercial" - Theatre Of Tragedy, Paradise Lost, Tiamat, Moonspell did that, shall i give more examples

no, these few examples you said are enough for me. all i can say is 'bollocks'. you can't compare 'host' or 'musique' to '%', cause you won't find on the mdb album any 3min song formated for radios. electro/industrial stuff in it, yeah. gothic? no way! TOT, PL and all the bands you mentionned slipped to a more simple and easy style, but not mdb with the % album. do you find anything 'easy' on that album that could please a non-metal fan who's into depeche mode or sisters of mercy? and yeah, 'electro/industrial music crap' shows how open minded you are dude. it seems that you're mixing everything, portishead with sisters of mercy, depeche mode with atari teenage riot, so before talking shit about a genre, you'd better document yourself. peace :spin:
Originally posted by moody
yeah, 'electro/industrial music crap' shows how open minded you are dude. it seems that you're mixing everything, portishead with sisters of mercy, depeche mode with atari teenage riot, so before talking shit about a genre, you'd better document yourself. peace :spin:
WTF, how could you possibly know how openminded I'm? don't know me at all!! This is unbeliavable!!
Everybody has opinion and point of view, and if it's "a bit" different than yours, you can't just make general remarks like that!
ok, it doesn't matter it is hopeless...
Originally posted by Mariner
Wich bands have changed into the B&B-genre? :confused: Can't remember a single one.
And becoming a bit Electronic-oriented, no band succeeded in it to become more popular by it, at the contrary, fans started to lose faith in them... (and Tiamat is not very electronic, ambient okay, but not flashy as ToT or Moonspell)
They're (were) doing stuff they likes and payed a price for it.
I meant more into underground stuff like Dismal Euphony,Macbeth, Nattvindens Gratt, Within Temptation... and some others that you've probably never heard of. Maybe the examples are not very correct, but...
as for the electro\industrial music crap, I'm thinking of bands created by the labels or producers that use only the concept & image to make money from it, maybe like Orgy, one-day-bands...
"WTF, how could you possibly know how openminded I'm? don't know me at all!! This is unbeliavable!! "

yup nobody knows you so they'll judge you on the only thing they can: what you post here, therefore its pretty fair to assume anyone who calls an entire genre crap might'nt be very openminded. Anywhoo you don't know MDB and you're willing to presume that 34%£$%^&* was an attempt on their part to jump a bandwagon, bit hypocritical to moan about people judgin you without knowing you first when you do the same thing??

(BTW I'd bet 34£$%^% sold far less than other MDB albums which is why they did Turn Loose The ducks vol 2 right after that, if anything the light at the end of swans could have been a "sell out" )

the only way to sort this out is for you and moody to have a fight after school ...I'll hold the jackets right?? :)
Originally posted by moody
following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap heh? all right dude, can you mention any band that sound the same like 35.234% ? i think TLATEOTW was all right except that it had a few weak tracks, flat production, lame lyrics & cheesy artwork.the % album is fucken unique and i know no band that sounds like this. if mdb dug deeper that way, they could have become immense. pity.

spot on mate!!!! completely agree. I like the % album (nice shortening btw)too, i was pretty surprised by it and positively. i like their album up to this one, and both following album are not as wished them to be. The dreadful hours is o.k. though i gave it little listenings, TLATEOTW was very disappointing. I don't like the growling very much and think Aaron has a good clean voice.
Have you heard the Portishead- Roads cover, a real great one imo!
Originally posted by Bambi
yup nobody knows you so they'll judge you on the only thing they can: what you post here, therefore its pretty fair to assume anyone who calls an entire genre crap might'nt be very openminded. Anywhoo you don't know MDB and you're willing to presume that 34%£$%^&* was an attempt on their part to jump a bandwagon, bit hypocritical to moan about people judgin you without knowing you first when you do the same thing??

right spot on bambi, you took the words off my mouth. i was about to say the same. i can see a soul connection there. what are you planning to do the next 30 years bambi? :blush:

Originally posted by Bambi
(BTW I'd bet 34£$%^% sold far less than other MDB albums which is why they did Turn Loose The ducks vol 2 right after that, if anything the light at the end of swans could have been a "sell out" )

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by Bambi
the only way to sort this out is for you and moody to have a fight after school ...I'll hold the jackets right?? :)

we could have an hairy chest contest instead, and you could still hold the jackets.
Originally posted by Morpheus
Have you heard the Portishead- Roads cover, a real great one imo!

that one is brilliant, the music fits well mdb % style and aaron's depressed cat voice.
"right spot on bambi, you took the words off my mouth. i was about to say the same. i can see a soul connection there. what are you planning to do the next 30 years bambi? "

according to you i'm gonna die from alcohol related disease in the next year...but if that does'nt happen Ill spend the other 29 years avoiding you, ya hairy chested rob halford obsessed freak :)
Originally posted by Bambi
[B(BTW I'd bet 34£$%^% sold far less than other MDB albums which is why they did Turn Loose The ducks vol 2 right after that, if anything the light at the end of swans could have been a "sell out" )

the only way to sort this out is for you and moody to have a fight after school ...I'll hold the jackets right?? :) [/B]
it could be fun, let's do it now moody!! I am afraid that my chest is not hairy enough, so forget about that contest!
Originally posted by Ivo
I meant more into underground stuff like Dismal Euphony,Macbeth, Nattvindens Gratt, Within Temptation... and some others that you've probably never heard of. Maybe the examples are not very correct, but...

Yeah, you should tell me 'bout Within Temptation! Underground? auwch!
Originally posted by Mariner
Yeah, you should tell me 'bout Within Temptation! Underground? auwch!
Funny :grin: Funny funny funny :grin:
They're in the top 10 charts in Belgium and Holland, that's all. No big deal huh?
The only chance that I will ever respect them again is when they make an album like Enter or The Dance, and NOT like the motherfucking Mother Earth (in other words: I want the guitars and the grunts back, and want the ruling keyboards to back off again)
Originally posted by moody
ah no that question was aimed at don, asking him which mdb albums he prefers. but well, glad to know you like 'holy wood' :D. but comparing 34% to mdb is a bit weird :confused:

hmmm, except their badly-produced earlier demo songs like "catching feathers" or "vast choirs", i almost like everything, including the 34% album. my fave is TLTS, unfortunately (how original!) :p

two other faves are the angel and the dark river and the light at the end of the world...

i also like manson's holy wood album :grin:
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Funny :grin: Funny funny funny :grin:
They're in the top 10 charts in Belgium and Holland, that's all. No big deal huh?
The only chance that I will ever respect them again is when they make an album like Enter or The Dance, and NOT like the motherfucking Mother Earth (in other words: I want the guitars and the grunts back, and want the ruling keyboards to back off again)

Yeahhhhh, the Dance :) The other half of me..................:eek: :eek: :eek: best song they did *shivers*