Bands that (you think) suck and why!!!

Yep. 34.whatever% is great. Most MDB listeners don't like it cause it's not heavy enough (stupid reason).
i don't like it at all, and this is not the reason...
the reason is that they somehow lost the true emotions, their trademark, and the style is a bit twisted in a very fucking way, (like following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap) - a few decent songs maybe, but the entire atmosphere sucks...
"The Light At the End Of The World" was fantastique album!!
Originally posted by Ivo
i don't like it at all, and this is not the reason...
the reason is that they somehow lost the true emotions, their trademark, and the style is a bit twisted in a very fucking way, (like following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap) - a few decent songs maybe, but the entire atmosphere sucks...
"The Light At the End Of The World" was fantastique album!!
Agreed!!! But maybe it isn't that bad after all, I'll give it a new try... (about
Dreadful Hours is the best they did!!!!!!
Originally posted by sol83
Yep. 34.whatever% is great. Most MDB listeners don't like it cause it's not heavy enough (stupid reason).

not heavy enough? 'heroin chic' has the heaviest atmosphere ever for a mdb track. i think actually it's too heavy for them and they can't handle it. it's like people telling me death metal is violent. violent? no way, slayer's 'reign in blood' is fucken heavier than 80% of the death metal scene [imo].
Originally posted by Ivo
i don't like it at all, and this is not the reason...
the reason is that they somehow lost the true emotions, their trademark, and the style is a bit twisted in a very fucking way, (like following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap) - a few decent songs maybe, but the entire atmosphere sucks...
"The Light At the End Of The World" was fantastique album!!

following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap heh? all right dude, can you mention any band that sound the same like 35.234% ? i think TLATEOTW was all right except that it had a few weak tracks, flat production, lame lyrics & cheesy artwork.the % album is fucken unique and i know no band that sounds like this. if mdb dug deeper that way, they could have become immense. pity.
Originally posted by moody
machine head, coal chamber, primal fear, sacred steel, sinergy, stratovarius, black metal evil puffs, french rap singers who take it too seriously, lost smile [], edguy [edgay], beauty & the beast goth metal bands, puff daddy, the calling, my dying bride [except 34.672%], etc

i'll second that mehdi.
and mdb did lose their bottle, and originality, after calvin went.
Originally posted by moody
following the modern industrial-gothic-electro-crap heh? all right dude, can you mention any band that sound the same like 35.234% ? i think TLATEOTW was all right except that it had a few weak tracks, flat production, lame lyrics & cheesy artwork.the % album is fucken unique and i know no band that sounds like this. if mdb dug deeper that way, they could have become immense. pity.
can't agree...
Originally posted by moody
you're not supposed to agree, just to mention a few bands that sound like the % percent album. go ahead mate, i'm listening :)

the album is fucking great!apart from *heroin chic* all tracks are nice,and the atmosphere chilly enough.
dunno,sometimes it reminds me of marilyn manson... :confused: :)
Originally posted by the_good_son141
by manson?holy wood i have in mind...

ah no that question was aimed at don, asking him which mdb albums he prefers. but well, glad to know you like 'holy wood' :D. but comparing 34% to mdb is a bit weird :confused:
Originally posted by the_good_son141
sorry!especially the first song of 34% is very similar to some manson if you look it a bit closer(its not obvious)
comparing 34% to mdb is certainly weird!!!:-)

ah well, so what if i told you that the second song sounds like jimi hendrix because of the wah-wah? :spin:
Personally I don't like the 34.788% Album... Not because it's not heavy or anything like that... It's just that I don't like it... And nobody should accuse me of being narrow-minded or doom-metal-die-hard-fan or whatever for the fact that I don't like it. There is no reason for my not liking it.... As there is no reson for my liking anathema... It's just... me :) And everybody should respect that...

Take care...
Originally posted by Don Corleone

but yes to gehenna and another huge yes to cradle!!!!!!!

I donno why but I just hate Immortal.well I know they are kinda big but still not my stuff.