Beer Thread?

I dig pure blonde and corona. Though I'm easily pleased, I'll consume anything.
And whilst it's not exactly beer, I have to say, I've been going nuts on mercury lately, awesome stuff. Draught not dry, dry is too sweet :3

Pure Blonde is fucking good. :kickass:

Funnily enough I have been getting into MEAD and alot of Ales recently, just as good as beer.
Pure Blonde made me spew repeatedly when I drank it. :/

Friend of mine makes his own mead, brutal as fuck. He's letting all of us drink it in June. :D
Would you consume that filthy beer Emu Bitter?:Puke:
Probably. Actually, it depends, I've never seen/heard of the stuff.
I draw the line at floaty bits. Hence I won't touch some coopers beer. Same with juice, I don't do pulp.
I struggle with some Coopers, due to the floaty bits. First time I had it, it was dark out and I wasn't warned. Next thing I know, I'm chewing my beer and wondering wtf is going on. Never touched it since.
No one has mentioned the nommy Japanese beers like Asahi, Sapporo and Kirin. I think they're great in summer. crispy and fresh :)
Becks is a favourite too.
But at the moment James Squire Original Amber Ale takes the cake.
I've only had mercury and strongbow. I thought strongbow was too much like an apple UDL or something.
Your suggestions will be put on my to do list.