Best of 2008 So Far...And Still to Come

Other good 2008 releases I have now heard:

Brocken Moon - Das Märchen vom Schnee
Brown Jenkins - Angel Eyes

Brown Jenkins is just generally awesome.

I also found out the download release date for Gigantci Brain's new album World is going to be June 12th. haven't been this psyched about a new release for a while. Don't know when a physical version will be avaiable though, if ever.
I listened to the debut demo from Khgnom and I was impressed. Some of the best drone ambient/black metal I have heard in a while.
Don't Bloodbath have another album coming out this year? Unblessing the Purity was just an EP.

That should be something to look forward to.
where can I go to find out about all the latest death and black metal releases? The only time I know about any good releases is when I read on message boards like this.
sign up on Distro or Record labels mailing lists. If you're on myspace, you can do the same thing and even add the bands you're interested in.

or come here and watch us all jizz over the latest kvlt black or death metal cd
In Mourning - Shrouded Divine, much better then the new Opeth album...
08 hasn't been a great year..maybe 10ish releases that are good but nothing has wow'd me and kept my attention...last year I grabbed manegarms album in like February and I listened to it constantly all year

wtb a great cd :waah:
I own 16 of them so far. You are way behind

I buy CD's at a damn fast pace and I've only picked up eight '08s so far, counting that Matt Parson's demo. I usually find that good bands coming out with new releases have better releases in their back catalogues that I don't own yet, so I go for their classics first.