Black Metal.

along with the Windir, recommend me some more black metal albums that the End might carry. I'm mostly looking for something raw, but not too raw, and an occasional viking or folk influence wouldn't hurt.

Primordial - Imrama

Only one TER has in stock currently.
I want at least six albums suggested. put some thought into it, people!

ABIGOR - Verwustung: Invoke The Dark Age / Opus IV (2CD)
ABSU - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
CULT OF DAATH - Slit Throats And Ritual Nights
LUCIFUGUM - ...And The Wheel Keeps Crunching... (digi)
MISERY'S OMEN - Misery's Omen
ABIGOR - Verwustung: Invoke The Dark Age / Opus IV (2CD)
ABSU - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
CULT OF DAATH - Slit Throats And Ritual Nights
LUCIFUGUM - ...And The Wheel Keeps Crunching... (digi)
MISERY'S OMEN - Misery's Omen

thats what I'm talking about. thank you, kind sir.
tell him he's an idiot

I'll post his exact posts. Well, there are two people but they are essentially the same in terms of thinking.

Rofl, Primordial are not BM in any way, shape or form.

Listen to A Journey's End. Listen to Spirit the Earth Aflame. Listen to The Gathering Wilderness. These albums have next to no BM in them.

Imrama and Storm Before Calm have traces of BM, but still not a massive amount.

Primordial are NOT Black Metal.
Yes, they came from a black metal background (so did your precious Agalloch. Does that make them black metal?).
They have far more in common with Doom and Folk than black metal.

Answer me with WHAT THEY ARE genre-wise and I will dwell upon it, though only a ****ing moron wouldn't hear the massive doom metal base that they have.

Their clean vocals aren't derived from black metal.
The only thing their riffs have in common with black metal is that they are occasionally tremelo picked.
The drumming isn't derived from black metal.
Their lyrical themes are not derived from black metal.
The atmosphere they create is not related to black metal in any way.

Do you try to be so stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Frank Zappa is black metal too. Who cares that he doesn't have any elements related to black metal, black metal cannot be pigeonholed so easily.

So vocals, drumming, atmosphere and lyrics ALL mean nothing when it comes to genre, yet the guitar riffs do because they manage to sound slightly similar to another genre's.

You really are an idiot. I'm not going to bother wasting more time with someone so amazingly stupid.
Who cares that he doesn't have any elements related to black metal, black metal cannot be pigeonholed so easily. ...
Their clean vocals aren't derived from black metal.
The only thing their riffs have in common with black metal is that they are occasionally tremelo picked.
The drumming isn't derived from black metal.
Their lyrical themes are not derived from black metal.
The atmosphere they create is not related to black metal in any way.


yes, they are right in that Primordial does have folk and doomish elements (although the doom case might be more difficult to flesh out), but Primordial mixes these elements WITH black metal.

I'm not sure if you said they were strictly black metal. if you did, then yes you are wrong...they are not 100% Grade A Kvlt Black Metal, but the elements are there.

how could they think Imrama has traces of black metal?
I had said:

They are a unique band within the subgenre that is for sure but then do we not call Summoning black metal? Do we not call Lurker of Chalice black metal? In The Woods...? Wolves in the Throne Room? Reverend Kriss Hades?

Just because it doesn't share all the characteristics of traditional black metal does not exclude it from that subgenre.
Elysian Blaze have a new album out: link. Another VERY solid release. I'm not happy with the 'innovation' section of what he's going after because there's not much progression from how the last two sounded, but this is GOOD nevertheless. :kickass:
^ Personally I find their later material, especially the latest album, far too death-metal orientated, even though it's really good.

The first album is excellent though.
That would be kinda like saying that in Australia (where you live, according to your profile), only the aboriginies can make pagan black metal, since they are the only ones indigenous to the area. I think African black pagan black metal would be interesting.

As I said to someone else earlier, can you read my previous posts as well mate... I don't feel like explaining it again :erk: