Black Metal.

Wow guys, how coincidental. We're talking about the two bands I logged on wanting to talk about.

I recently got back into Wolves in the Throne Room. I didn't listen to them for a whole year, mostly because I spent a solid two months in 2008 listening to nothing but Diadem of 12 Stars and Two Hunters. After all the honorable mention of the latter in recent months I decided to listen again, especially considering my love for post-BM. It was damn good. Been listening to it occasionally for two weeks now. I still need to hear Black Cascade. I think WITTR is probably on the middle tier as far as post BM bands are concerned, because it's hard to compete with bands like Alcest and Fen.

I really dig Vertebrae. It's soft-sounding. The clean vocals are integrated more smoothly than in Ruun and Isa, and Enslaved has really demonstrated their understanding of the mechanics of both post metal and black metal.

Pumped to hear the new Fleurety.

I was thinking the exact opposite of Heavy is the crown's post yesterday. I think that raw black metal is far less mature in musical and lyrical content than post black metal and that its fans are better suited to genres like punk and hardcore. Let's get in a fukin fyt over stupid shit like race and religion, woop woop. I despise the purposeful sloppiness of Bestial Black Metal, it's everything I stand against. I can connect with some NSBM musically (Graveland and Besatt, for instance), but the lyrical content and vocal approach usually has me rolling my eyes. They're so caught up in being true that they neglect to discover themselves. It's the ultimate conformity, conforming to an anti trend in a genre based around individuality. Probably one of the reasons Satanism didn't work out for me: conflict of tradition and the individual.

I'll accept Heavy's aggregation of the genre "Atmospheric Black Metal" if he acknowledges that there are different schools of thought within the genre. Leviathan, Farsot, A Forest of Stars, and Negura Bunget can all be grouped in this genre and are all very different bands.
WITTR always seemed to me like they were trying quite hard to be Weakling. "Behold the Vastness and Sorrow" off "Two Hunters" sounds EXACTLY like "Dead As Dreams," only not as good.
i too like my BM to be bland and featureless copies of other bands

wittr are probably ok to like for the right reasons (conceptually/ideologically) but anybody who thinks they're in any way good at songwriting is listening to BM for the wrong reasons
Ideologically, why; because they're radical eco-feminist mythos-influenced Gaia-worshipping liberal crackheads?

Listening to (or refusing to listen to) bands simply because of their ideological beliefs is a "wrong reason." I doubt anyone here listens to Nokturnal Mortum because they believe in the superiority of the white race.
Ideologically, why; because they're radical eco-feminist mythos-influenced Gaia-worshipping liberal crackheads?

Listening to bands simply because of their ideological beliefs is a wrong reason; I doubt anyone here listens to Nokturnal Mortum because they believe in the superiority of the white race.

lol i'm not saying it's right listen to them purely because of it

i'm saying i can understand why bec. at least that way there's something to identify with there.

btw i make a point of not listening to nokturnal mortum because of that (i mean seriously what are you saying about yourself if you can ignore white supremacy because you liked that one song they did or whatever)

i'll go ahead and get the varg vikernes racism thing out the way by saying those views didn't really come to light until he'd spent time in prison
btw i make a point of not listening to nokturnal mortum because of that (i mean seriously what are you saying about yourself if you can ignore white supremacy because you liked that one song they did or whatever)

What if you like their entire discography? Is it still wrong?

I completely disagree with that philosophy. If we follow your logic, then nearly every influential figure in the history of the world is to be ignored because he or she demonstrated questionable morals. Martin Luther was anti-semitic. Martin Luther King Jr. was a misogynist. Thomas Jefferson was a slave-holder.

Nokturnal Mortum write incredible music and refusing to listen to them purely because they harbor "white power" beliefs is asinine.
What if you like their entire discography? Is it still wrong?

I completely disagree with that philosophy. If we follow your logic, then nearly every influential figure in the history of the world is to be ignored because he or she demonstrated questionable morals. Martin Luther was anti-semitic. Martin Luther King Jr. was a misogynist. Thomas Jefferson was a slave-holder.

Nokturnal Mortum write incredible music and refusing to listen to them purely because they harbor "white power" beliefs is asinine.

lol it's one thing to hold questionable morals and another to actually preach them
Martin Luther wrote emphatically of his antisemitic beliefs; they're one of the primary sources of German antisemitism during WWII. He's still taught in high schools as the primary catalyst behind the Protestant Reformation. Should we no longer read the 95 Theses because his other works are religiously intolerant?