Black Metal.

In response to the last couple of pages:

I might get flamed for this, but I think Vertebrae might be my favorite Enslaved. It's obviously less metal, but I still enjoy a hell of a lot. Ruun is either tied with it or in a close second. Whatever, all their stuff is great to me, with the exception of Vikingligr Veldi (I still don't get what people see in it) and Monumension to an extent.

Um, all Alcest is amazing, though not particularly black metal (haven't heard the new one yet, but I can assume it's great and more black from what I've read)

Let's see....aaand, WITTR isn't anything special but is good when you're in a black metal mood and don't know what other band to listen to. But definitely not as engaging for me to do the whole "lie down with my eyes closed and listen"-deal.
Where would I start with Rotting Christ? I've been listening to some of their songs on Youtube and I think they're something I could really get into but their discography is a little...well...large to buy all in one go.
re: NSBM and politics vs art

To put it as simply as humanly possible, and maybe the human league or whatever his name is (whoops, meant heavy is the crown) is trying to say this too: Love the art, not the artist.
I checked out some Craft material, namely Total Soul Rape and Terror Propaganda albums. Because they were generously rated on M-A I became curious. Anyway, Total Soul Rape is excellent, Terror Propaganda is mediocre.

Anyone listened to Fuck The Universe album?
Seriously if you like music for ideologies and aesthetics you're going through the wrong medium. Read a book and attend fashion shows.

Glad to see the old av back hubster :kickass:

I kinda disagree with this to a certain extent. You're right that hating a band's music but still listening to them because they fit in nicely with your ideologies and possibly your general "style" as an extension of said ideologies is kinda retarded. I often imagine confused skinheads being played Burzum by other confused skinheads and pretending to enjoy it but not really having a clue what's really going on. On the other hand, I don't think it's detrimental to be attracted to or interested in a band because of what they preach.

I totally dig all the Negura Bunget-esque love for nature etc., which is actually why I first started listening to the band, and partially why I'm such an avid fan. If they had written the same albums but were rabid right-wing nationalists, I definitely wouldn't be so enthusiastic about and supportive of them. (I realise there were some rumours about some of the original lineup having racist affiliations but I hardly feel that is evident through their music, lyrics or professed ideologies). I also thoroughly enjoy hearing a new band and digging their stuff, then doing a little research into their beliefs and lyrics and recognising how these things manifest themselves in the songs. This obviously can't be applied to all music though ahah, as some dudes are just out to make a heavy tune and that's the end of it.

I suppose to really address your issue I'd have to say whether or not I like certain music BECAUSE of the ideologies of the band, but I think it's kind of hard to separate out. For example, I believe I like Agalloch because Agalloch think about similar things to me when they craft their music, so I am bound to like the ideas they are coming up with. A lot of black metal bands think about very different things (undirected hatred, anger etc.), and as such I find it much harder to identify with or enjoy their music. Naturally there are gonna be exceptions to this trend though.

This post turned into a fairly rambling and incoherent mess but hopefully it conveyed vaguely what I meant.

None of this was about aesthetics btw, aesthetics can suck my nuts.
I checked out some Craft material, namely Total Soul Rape and Terror Propaganda albums. Because they were generously rated on M-A I became curious. Anyway, Total Soul Rape is excellent, Terror Propaganda is mediocre.

Anyone listened to Fuck The Universe album?

I have. Straightforward BM, really dark, but I'd say almost thrashy (?) shit but I like it.
I think I've mentioned it before, but what does everyone think of the Black Twilight Circle Bands (Ashdautas, Volahn, Axeman, Arizmenda, Kallathon etc)?

Never heard of them but is that some sort of n00 & tr00 kvlt blvck metvl thing?

(Yes, black metal is even more kvlt when it's spelled that way.)

I guess you could say that, but its surprisingly good and a great refresher for the USBM scene imo.

Anyways check out this song by Volahn if you're interested:

^ That's actually pretty cool. I'll have to check out the rest of those black twilight circle bands.

I suggest starting out with the Volahn full length and also the Black Twilight Circle compilation, which features all the bands.

So far I've only heard the Arizmenda track on the BTC comp but I'm gonna be checking out the full length pretty soon.

Sadly, the Axeman EP wasn't as good as the track on the comp.