Black Metal.

I like alot of this depressive/post-punk/shoegaze/ambient black metal but there's not alot of really dangerous,true black metal out these days,unless i'm mistaken.I don't think alot of this stuff belongs under the banner of true black metal now anyway.There needs to be a new genre name to protect those ancient cults and to seperate bm from this more ambient/spiritual stuff,it's more a personal nihilist approach as opposed to Satanism,which is the foundation of black metal.


"true black metal"
what's funny? please explain o ye of Fleurety(highbrow) fame why black metal should not be about satan and satan alone.I don't care for or classify alot of these bands as black metal anymore,Sodom is way more black metal than a band like fucking Alcest.I don't really care but it's abit sad seeing all these crappy bands standing where kings once stood.
Two tracks from Glorior Belli's fourth full length, 'The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light' on their myspace. They certainly have left the majority of their black metal elements to prior releases. Not sure how I feel about the new sound.

This sounds interesting. I love all of their past work. The vocals are ace, IMO. If it has, as you say, less BM elements, I'm not sure how I'll feel about it either, but I'm looking forward to finding out!
what's funny? please explain o ye of Fleurety(highbrow) fame why black metal should not be about satan and satan alone.I don't care for or classify alot of these bands as black metal anymore,Sodom is way more black metal than a band like fucking Alcest.I don't really care but it's abit sad seeing all these crappy bands standing where kings once stood.

No one's calling Alcest black metal...I hope.
The guy who wrote the Gun's N Roses biography thought Body Count was black metal......

This sounds interesting. I love all of their past work. The vocals are ace, IMO. If it has, as you say, less BM elements, I'm not sure how I'll feel about it either, but I'm looking forward to finding out!

If you're expecting black metal in any form, you should not listen. I can not think of any other band to compare the new sound to, i'll just say it's 'rock'.
They created some ridiculous story about living in the woods off of nature or some shit and tons of hipster nature fags were like OMG HOW COOL and became fans. Something like that.

The best way to discredit someone by saying they're lying is by making shit up yourself, right?

I'm not a big fan of the band, but what you just said is blatantly false. I know this because I have seen where they live through a mutual friend the two brothers and I share. They may be up their own ass half the time with their rhetoric, but the guys are complete and utterly devoted to their lifestyle and they live as much as they can from the land. Now, how they intend to fit the whole flying overseas for tours thing into their philosophy, I don't know, but maybe it demonstrates how redundant that lifestyle is when you're also pursuing a pretty popular musical project.
please explain o ye of Fleurety(highbrow) fame why black metal should not be about satan and satan alone.

Because if black metal were about Satan alone, then about half my black metal collection suddenly wouldn't be black metal anymore. I'm sure the same would be the case for a lot of other black metal fans. Yeah, that would be retarded.
I suppose what i was getting at was more that I did enjoy the early avant garde stuff and up until recently enjoyed the more experimental side of black metal.I think this Cold World cd I bought recently after it being recommended and getting heaps of good reviews was the turning point where I decided that I personally don't want that shit in my BM collection anymore.I'll just stick too brutal oldschool Black/Death be they new or old bands,I don't like my BM to be nice.If I want to listen to shoegaze i'll listen to slowdive.
I find it hard to believe that there are any, but I'm half-ANUSite, so maybe don't take me seriously.
I also have trouble keeping in track with new black metal releases lately. Of course I've heard Belus but other than that? What should I check?
The Kerasphorus EP is pretty cool if not derivative of other stuff that Pete and J. Read have been in before, as is the latest Blasphemophagher. Otherwise, there isn't anything other than Belus (which I've heard once on a trip with a friend) I've heard that needs to be listened to immediately.

Watch out for the new Inquisition album though. They played about half of it live and I expect it to be an absolute monolith.
Any Fans of Midnight here? 'Complete And Total Fucking Midnight' is one of the most rocking slabs of blackened Sodom worship you'll ever hear.It contains Athenar's complete recorded worx,goes for 66:56 and there is not one moment of filler to be found.
what's funny? please explain o ye of Fleurety(highbrow) fame why black metal should not be about satan and satan alone.I don't care for or classify alot of these bands as black metal anymore,Sodom is way more black metal than a band like fucking Alcest.I don't really care but it's abit sad seeing all these crappy bands standing where kings once stood.

Well, the first point I'd make is this: Satanism is all about the individual. True individuals shirk tradition. Tradition in music is tradition that denies one of individuality. Considering this, a satanist should have more to say, with the "religion's" emphasis on self-actualization and self-growth, than praise for a biblical conception of Satan, which is truly a sham, as Israelites had no concept of an adversary before coming into contact with nomadic Zoroastrians.

Second, Burzum and Darkthrone had no Satanic lyrics, leaving Mayhem the only of the big 3 to be a Satanic band.

Third, Norsecore bands have a Satanic focus.

Fourth, Sodom is a thrash metal band.

And fifth, black metal's harsh vocals obscure its lyrics, in my opinion, to shift focus toward other aspects of the music such as instrumentation. So even if you took all of, say, Negura Bunget's lyrics and turned them satanic, it would be insignificant as their focus is musical in nature.

I know you're a Bestial Black Metal fan (which I am not) and therefore black metal is largely aesthetic to you, so inevitably, we will disagree on this.