Black Metal.

Any Fans of Midnight here? 'Complete And Total Fucking Midnight' is one of the most rocking slabs of blackened Sodom worship you'll ever hear.It contains Athenar's complete recorded worx,goes for 66:56 and there is not one moment of filler to be found.

Saw them at a show on the last Pentagram U.S. tour. Great live show, i laughed alot and their performance contained alot of energy. Didn't really dig the music so much, but i'll check them out again based on your rec.
I need to pick up that Alcest album, sounds pretty cool from what I've heard. A problem for me with bands such as Alcest however, is that there's too much melancholy. Melancholy obviously is the main punch they should pack, but when it's completely seamless, when it's not mixed up and varied with other moods I tend to get so used to the atmosphere that it doesn't affect me in the end.
Well, the first point I'd make is this: Satanism is all about the individual. True individuals shirk tradition. Tradition in music is tradition that denies one of individuality. Considering this, a satanist should have more to say, with the "religion's" emphasis on self-actualization and self-growth, than praise for a biblical conception of Satan, which is truly a sham, as Israelites had no concept of an adversary before coming into contact with nomadic Zoroastrians.

Second, Burzum and Darkthrone had no Satanic lyrics, leaving Mayhem the only of the big 3 to be a Satanic band.

Third, Norsecore bands have a Satanic focus.

Fourth, Sodom is a thrash metal band.

And fifth, black metal's harsh vocals obscure its lyrics, in my opinion, to shift focus toward other aspects of the music such as instrumentation. So even if you took all of, say, Negura Bunget's lyrics and turned them satanic, it would be insignificant as their focus is musical in nature.

I know you're a Bestial Black Metal fan (which I am not) and therefore black metal is largely aesthetic to you, so inevitably, we will disagree on this.
Well put
Saw them at a show on the last Pentagram U.S. tour. Great live show, i laughed alot and their performance contained alot of energy. Didn't really dig the music so much, but i'll check them out again based on your rec.

They are supposedly awesome live and from all accounts were the best band at the first NWN! fest,unfortunately Yosuke has ruled them out of this years fest.If you're into primtive but rocking old school goodness you'll love Midnight.Very entertaining music especially when having a few drinks.
I've been looking around the past couple of days for black metal bands I've never heard that might be good. I am disappointed with almost everything I've heard. I occasionally do this sort of thing, where I spend a day or two scouring the intertubes in the hopes of finding something worth listening to. It almost always ends up being a waste of time. Contemporary black metal fucking sucks and I am not impressed in the least with 99% of what people try to pimp on internet message boards. Well, that last Arckanum album was pretty cool I guess, and the new Nazxul is alright but nothing that blows me away. I think I am going to go put on one of the first two Enslaved albums and call it a night. :mad:
Yeah man it's pretty much mostly all gay these days.I think the problem may lie in the fact that in order to make the music that I personally like to hear is created by young pissed off satanists and there are'nt alot of those around these days.Apart from Teitanblood.
I'd have to agree, there are only a handful of contemporary black metal bands that can hold my attention. Hail, Faustcoven, Weapon, Front Beast, Negative Plain and that's about it. Sacriphyx too, though they're not strictly black metal, but that Stargazer split is simply (un)godly.
I've been looking around the past couple of days for black metal bands I've never heard that might be good. I am disappointed with almost everything I've heard. I occasionally do this sort of thing, where I spend a day or two scouring the intertubes in the hopes of finding something worth listening to. It almost always ends up being a waste of time. Contemporary black metal fucking sucks and I am not impressed in the least with 99% of what people try to pimp on internet message boards. Well, that last Arckanum album was pretty cool I guess, and the new Nazxul is alright but nothing that blows me away. I think I am going to go put on one of the first two Enslaved albums and call it a night. :mad:

Did you listen to the Black Twilight Circle stuff?
Did you listen to the Black Twilight Circle stuff?

I'll check it out, but I'm highly skeptical.

Eligos said:
Christ almighty, what happened to picking up a guitar and fucking doing something about it.

What happened to acting like an adult about the fact that other people hold opinions you might not like? Seriously, am I not allowed to voice my opinion on the state of black metal unless I start a band of my own? I guess since I have other priorities I should just shut up about my opinion. I think I'm better at other things than writing original black metal music, so at least I have the decency not to flood the scene with more crap.
IMO chaotic black metal about satan > melodic black metal about nature. Always.