Black Metal.

You must know it, otherwise you wouldn't include the link on your sig ;)

just thought i'd throw this out there, if anyone here needs/wants violin tracks for your band i'll do em for free.
I've always thought my band's work was quality. I write a lot of the music. People are just now starting to catch on, though.

I'd want it to sound like the violin in Obscura, and since two of my other bandmates are fans, I'm sure they'd agree. We have a new song we're working on that would benefit. I'll let you know when we're recording that one (not for a while).
That violin idea sounds interesting, and I thought of utilizing a similar passage in one of Khariot's songs in the future as well it's just that I haven't written any music for it yet. Kevin, don't forget to send me a few of your CDs for us to help sell at our shows over here \m/
I think there was already an idea for that a long time ago iirc. Dunno what happened with it.
These things usually get talked about alot and the idea gets put on hold for a long time unless someone with interest and funds has the motivation to do it. Which is what happened with Western Alliance: 'Opertation' Metal Storm on the Western Australian metal forums. The idea got brought up about 5 years ago, but it only got done recently.
Well a lot of funds necessarily aren't needed, but motivation definitely is. A CD-R could be printed/pressed with the picture, and then with some proper printouts it could work, or maybe a slipcase like the Worship Black Twilight thing, and then a booklet with the info.
Well, as expected I am not impressed by any of the Black Twilight stuff I've listened to so far. Everything I've heard so far is directionless and tends to employ cheap ways of conjuring "atmosphere" such as slow, meandering guitar soloing with the reverb on 10. Seriously, half these ideas have already been done by Blut aus Nord. The rest of the ideas these bands utilize seem to be applications of already existing black metal tropes without doing anything new with them besides throwing them together into a big directionless, incoherent pile of nothing.

I looked up Ashdautas on youtube and found a live video of the band. Before I even started watching I thought to myself "There are going to be tons of shorthairs in that crowd." Turns out I was right, which is not surprising. This is the sort of stuff that appeals to the sensibilities of the indie fag/hipster crowd.
So if it doesn't do anything new, it's automatically shit?

Also what's wrong with shorthairs? Alestorm and Finntroll attract a lot of longhairs but they are kind of shit.