Black Metal.

So these Negative Plane bros are pretty cool I guess. I haven't really bothered listening to any of the next hype BM bands for a good 4-5 years but I think Cythraul said they were good and I generally respect his opinion so I checked them out. On the other hand back in the day Cythraul also said maudlin of the Well were good so there's that. But this is pretty cool I guess. Given I think pretty much everything from the past 10 years that's gotten praise other than like DSO's SMRC and some of those black metal/postpunk bands (which is really a whole other thing anyway) is either derivative, boring or dumb this is pretty notable. What's weird is in terms of composition it's pretty all over the place which was really a no-no for me back when I actually listened to metal but maybe years of listening to boom-tisk music has rotted my brain or something.
So, I feel I need to atone for bashing the subgenre, I have been enjoying Archgoat and Proclamation, anyone else want to suggest some more bestial acts?

Other than:
Black Witchery
Embrace of Thorns
Bestial Warlust
Sadistik Exekution
Sacramentary Abolishment
Rites Of Thy Degringolade
Axis Of Advance
Bestial Mockery
So these Negative Plane bros are pretty cool I guess. I haven't really bothered listening to any of the next hype BM bands for a good 4-5 years but I think Cythraul said they were good and I generally respect his opinion so I checked them out. On the other hand back in the day Cythraul also said maudlin of the Well were good so there's that. But this is pretty cool I guess. Given I think pretty much everything from the past 10 years that's gotten praise other than like DSO's SMRC and some of those black metal/postpunk bands (which is really a whole other thing anyway) is either derivative, boring or dumb this is pretty notable. What's weird is in terms of composition it's pretty all over the place which was really a no-no for me back when I actually listened to metal but maybe years of listening to boom-tisk music has rotted my brain or something.

They have a new album coming out soon. There's a sample online somewhere.
Bestial Warlust
Sadistik Exekution
Sacramentary Abolishment
Rites Of Thy Degringolade
Axis Of Advance
Bestial Mockery

Thank you sir. I considered just pm'ing you instead of posting here. :kickass:

I want to listen to this again. I love all the Zeitgeister bands, but for some reason this one hasn't sat well with me.

Now, onto more important things: DORDEDUH. The EP is out, who's checked it out? Fucking brilliant imo. I think many people always knew that Negura Bunget were going to suck without Huppogrammos and Sol Faur in the line-up, and this debut Dordeduh release confirms it. This is the REAL Negura Bunget. :kickass:
Since I am trying to rebuild my black metal collection after it was wiped...

Anyone willing to offer up things similar to darkthrone/satanic warmaster second wave sound and any decent norsecore stuff would also be greatly appreciated.

Also, any black metal that muddles together into a wall of sound kind of like shoegaze does. (not asking for shoegaze/bm hybrids)

Annnnd... riff based bm.