Mr. Self Destruct
Trancelike Void
I picked up Destroying Something Beautiful the other day and am diggin it!
Anyone else heard the new Mortifera?...I'm a bit disappointed...
Trancelike Void
Fuck it sux how some of you people get all anal over trolls and shit.Who gives a fuck,do you yanks have no sense of humour whatsoever? are you protecting something profanely important?That dude probably has more BM cred than anyone here.I find it hard to believe coming from supposedly black metal fans.Trolls what a fucking joke,they won't hurt you.Oh no there's a troll,please help us,pff.Gay with a capital GAY.If there's a problem let the moderator sort it out,don't get all narky and bitchy,reminds me of a bunch of whining bitches.And if i get banned from here because of this rant i do not give a fuck.The only person here who's put me onto anything new worth a shit is Velocibrad.
I could never get too heavily into Bergtatt. I always preferred the raw more straight-forward sound of Nattens Madrigal.
I don't have any reason not to, but I've just never gotten round to listening to a lot of the classic Greek bands. I've listened to the odd Necromantia, Varathron, Zemial and Agatus here and there, but never really gotten into them that much. Definitely going to give it all another, proper, go.