Black Metal.

The new one that no one heard about.

Btw, Vaccum > Grostesque.

Vaccuum was a great piece of dbm with classical influences, Grotesque was your run of the mill tryhard "interesting" and "intellectual" atmospheric post-black progressive dissonant jazz metal.
Is that so? Good thing I didn't get it then. I was hoping "Grotesque" would be similar to "Vacuum" but have worked out the tweaks, like the stupidly fake-sounding synthesized instrument sounds.
I am waiting for the new Gris and Pensées Nocturnes.



Fuck I'd shit brix if a new PN was gonna come out

The new one that no one heard about.

Btw, Vaccum > Grostesque.

Vaccuum was a great piece of dbm with classical influences, Grotesque was your run of the mill tryhard "interesting" and "intellectual" atmospheric post-black progressive dissonant jazz metal.


Grotesque is better IMO, although the first one I heard so I am partial to it but...still
Enslaved's Axioma Ethica Odini is their best work in years. Amazing fucking album.

I on the other hand is on the fence with it, I know that Enslaved has always sounded like Opeth but this is almost a ripoff of Morningrise era Opeth. I won't say that it's a bad album but I do think it's their weakest effort ever; that their weakest album ever is still badass shows what a badass band they are.
yes true but mixing prog and black metal is no simple task it could get fucked up easily i.e. enslaved's last couple of albums
I'm not sure it's that difficult anymore, now that the foundation for it is established. We're talking about a combination that's been done and redone for 15 years. In the first and second waves it would have been more difficult.
I'm not sure it's that difficult anymore, now that the foundation for it is established. We're talking about a combination that's been done and redone for 15 years. In the first and second waves it would have been more difficult.

of course, of course, not saying its impossible Enslaved were adding prog elements into their music very early on. it was evident from the very first record especially on Eld.

but I just think on their most recent albums they've been more prog than black.