Black Metal.

I on the other hand is on the fence with it, I know that Enslaved has always sounded like Opeth but this is almost a ripoff of Morningrise era Opeth. I won't say that it's a bad album but I do think it's their weakest effort ever; that their weakest album ever is still badass shows what a badass band they are.

Anyone wondering about Axioma Ethica Odini should disregard this guy's post, it's complete apples to oranges comparison. What a load of rubbish. You need your hearing checked.

Enslaved do NOT sound like Opeth, and there is nothing about the new album which resembles Morningrise. Do you even know what the Gothenburg style of death metal was? Go find out and then perhaps you can finally understand what was going on on the first two Opeth records. There is nothing in the entire Enslaved catalogue which resembles Gothenburg whatsoever.

I won't go into it here too much (I've written a pretty long review which will appear soon), but essentially Axioma Ethica Odini cements that Enslaved can no longer be fit into a genre. They are just simply "Enslaved" now. Vertebrae was another transitional record, just like Monumension was. The new album is a result of finishing their reassessments.
Comparing 2000's Enslaved to 2000's Opeth is something that can be done with a purpose. However, the first two Opeth albums are primarily distinguished by their song structure, progressive/experimental leanings, and extensive use of acoustic guitar. It's a huge reach to identify them as Gothenburg. Sure, they're from Sweden, but Forgotten Woods and the first Ulver album are much closer musically than any Gothenburg stuff. And whether anyone wants to believe it or not, Gothenburg covers the late '90s/early '00s sound that In Flames, Soilwork, Dark Tranquility and others got into, and Opeth never approached that. It's borderline silly to discuss Opeth as a Gothenburg band. Oddly enough, I think the lyrics are actually pretty in line with what you might see on a Gothenburg album. And it's not like Iron Maiden has exclusive license on dual guitar melodies anyway.

I didn't want to derail the thread, but that point was wrong on so many levels.
Has anyone listened to the latest Sig:Ar:Tyr album? I know it'll be of interest to Einherjar, Eligos and Unknown for sure, the album is great! Some 'Forgotten Legends' era Drudkh influence in there as well as trad. metal and lots of awesome acoustic interludes. He mixes all the influences so well, phenomenal album. The end of 2010 is shaping up to make the year great.
Has anyone listened to the latest Sig:Ar:Tyr album? I know it'll be of interest to Einherjar, Eligos and Unknown for sure, the album is great! Some 'Forgotten Legends' era Drudkh influence in there as well as trad. metal and lots of awesome acoustic interludes. He mixes all the influences so well, phenomenal album. The end of 2010 is shaping up to make the year great.

not yet, but what I've heard from Sig:Ar:Tyr in the past I've enjoyed...definitely will be checking it out
Has anyone listened to the latest Sig:Ar:Tyr album? I know it'll be of interest to Einherjar, Eligos and Unknown for sure, the album is great! Some 'Forgotten Legends' era Drudkh influence in there as well as trad. metal and lots of awesome acoustic interludes. He mixes all the influences so well, phenomenal album. The end of 2010 is shaping up to make the year great.

Yeah I just got that one, pretty sick stuff!

And seriously the Enslaved/Opeth topic needs to gtfo. As much as I love Opeth (obviously) this is the black metal thread
It's easier than arguing with you as far as black metal is concerned.

I've never really liked the Enslaved I've heard. How's their earlier stuff?