Black Metal.

Hells yeah, i LOVE black metal. It's my favorite type of genre. I'll listen to any black metal band wheather they suck or not. Symphonic black metal is my fave but regular and suicidal black metal is almost as good. I love Cradle of Filth(old), Hecate Enthroned, just recently Chthonic(does anyone have any info on them, Leviathan, Naglfar, Ancinet, Sargeist, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Emperor, Enslaved.....mainly the popular underground stuff and i really can't wait till Mayhem's new album. Just recently at another site, i heard of really underground black metal and i'm trying to find a place i can listen to their music cuz they're not in stores.
It took about two years of intense Black Metal listening until I could truly appreciate Ildjarn. Even then, I could only listen to Det Frysende Nordariket and Forest Poetry (the former now being among my favourite albums of all time). Now, I can listen to everything he's recorded without a problem. The self-titled is absurdly raw, but it works. I love the primal nature of the music; no fucking bullshit, just raw Black Metal in it's most pure form.

I bought Det Frysende Nordariket based on your indirect recommendation, and I hated it at first. Then it began to sink in.

Does anybody else think Ildjarn gets a little too raw for the ears?

Naw, listen to it a few times.
:lol: indeed... go easy on cookiecutter though, he's a good lad.

... Underground BM on myspace though... I don't think so! Half of the true underground bands have an index.html with one fucking character on it... just to be techno-nekro!
Um...a FUCKTON of "underground" bands have myspaces. It's one of the main ways of getting the word out today. Cookiecutter is completely right, despite what you may think.
Yes, there's plenty of bands on there alright. But very few worth a mention and even fewer who are true to the Black Metal ideology. The true underground bands avoid myspace and keep things very minimal.

As far as myspace in general goes - I avoid it like the plague myself. I can't fucking stand it, it's the biggest garbage dump on the internet. Its idea is good, but I think a better implementation is needed.
Yeah, because you have your "true underground" Black Metal warrior head so far up your ass that you don't even realize that half the bands you listen to likely HAVE myspaces. You've gotten fucking insane with his whole ideology bullshit. Like a band having a myspace makes them less underground and is directly in contrast the the "necessary ideology." It's all bullshit, sorry. Get over your "underground" and "ideology" oriented mindset.
I think for some of the bands the pages are not official but rather fan made. Of course there are many bands that I enjoy that have their own MySpace. For myself I don't really like the site and very rarely use it. I honestly don't think it fits black metal.
It certainly doesn't not "fit" Black Metal, whatever that is supposed to mean. Just because tons of idiotic people use myspace doesn't mean it's a piece of shit. I use it to keep in contact with friends and bands, to keep up with the latest label news, and to discover new bands. And amazingly enough, I don't come across all of the shit that people hate so much about myspace. All I see are my own page and the pages of friends, bands, and labels.

I'm really sick of this "true" shit. Just listen to the fucking music, first and foremost.