Black Metal.

Yeah, because you have your "true underground" Black Metal warrior head so far up your ass that you don't even realize that half the bands you listen to likely HAVE myspaces. You've gotten fucking insane with his whole ideology bullshit. Like a band having a myspace makes them less underground and is directly in contrast the the "necessary ideology." It's all bullshit, sorry. Get over your "underground" and "ideology" oriented mindset.

Fark, I think you just burst a blood vessel there :lol:
Um...a FUCKTON of "underground" bands have myspaces. It's one of the main ways of getting the word out today. Cookiecutter is completely right, despite what you may think.

I know. I just thought it was funny seeing the words "underground" and "Myspace" used in the same sentence. I'm used to seeing a bunch of shitty deathcore bands getting whored all day long.

Yes, I use Myspace. lol @ me. :erk:
The debate about Myspace being untrue is pretty interesting. It simplifies down to what you think a band's goals should be. A band goes on Myspace to be heard by people, to seek an audience. Some people think there is something inherently wrong about trying to promote your music, especially in black metal. Of course, it's much different when a band gets popular without Myspace. Then people can say "band x doesn't give a shit about being popular--it's the label that's promoting them." Myspace makes the band responsible for promotion and getting popular. Self-promotion somehow lessens the effect of a band. As a listener though, Myspace is quite convenient. These fan-run ones have more credibility, although I don't know how you can tell them apart from official ones most of the time.

Myspace is so damn ugly to look at. Even well designed ones look like shit. Facebook has a much cleaner, nicer layout.
^ I just find myspace a fucking teenaged, pussridden junkyard. I know it sounds stupid, but I dont think it's a place for Black Metal. Sure, it helps get the word out, and for that it's fine I guess, but I just feel for Black Metal, its a low standard to drop to.
^ I just find myspace a fucking teenaged, pussridden junkyard. I know it sounds stupid, but I dont think it's a place for Black Metal. Sure, it helps get the word out, and for that it's fine I guess, but I just feel for Black Metal, its a low standard to drop to.

Hubster, this is silly. I had a hatred for myspace for a while and then I realized it was stupid to do so, and started using it a lot and even made my own page. Just because dumb ass kids use it does not mean it is not a valid tool.

How is putting your material on a web page where it can be accessed and heard by people sinking to a low standard? Like Nec was saying,the only pages I see are my own, bands and label pages. I find a lot of new bands through the networking of myspace.

The things you are saying are based purely in being anti-mainstream and super grim, which is, as I said, very silly. It also seems very childish. If I did not know better I would say you were a teenager yourself based on the last few posts you have made.
For me it's not a case of being "true" or not, but rather the garbage that comes along with it. I can't stand the page full messages left by people with "thnx 4 da add". I think bands should just stick to websites, where music can be easily uploaded to. Same promotion, less garbage.
There are a number of advantages to uploading songs to myspace as opposed to one's own page, but I'm sure they're all obvious enough (though given the responses, it wouldn't seem so).

I don't even waste my time looking at the messages people leave bands on their myspaces though, I don't know why you would bother with that. That's like looking at a band's guestbook on their website. I just read the band's biography if they put it, their influences, whatever news they put, their songs of course, and their top friends, which tend to be similar, like-minded bands.

And Evil?, consider yourself mind-repped.
Nargaroth-Black Metal Ist Krieg is one of the most utterly shitty black metal albums I have ever heard. The song Seven Tears Are Flowing To The River almost make up for the rest of the album. But not quite.
Hmm I didn't mean to start a big argument. Frankly Hubster and Perpetual Catatonia, you are completely wrong. I've seen tons of bands on their (including black metal) that you would consider underground. It is also a good resource for listening to a band without stealing music from them.
Yeah, because you have your "true underground" Black Metal warrior head so far up your ass that you don't even realize that half the bands you listen to likely HAVE myspaces. You've gotten fucking insane with his whole ideology bullshit. Like a band having a myspace makes them less underground and is directly in contrast the the "necessary ideology." It's all bullshit, sorry. Get over your "underground" and "ideology" oriented mindset.

:lol: ^^^ so True/Troo oops lol jk
It takes some time to get used to it. Same as Wolven Ancestry and December Wolves(I love both of these bands) they use kind of much of distortion on their sound, or I don't know wtf that is.
Naw, listen to it a few times.
"Raw Black metal is very much like Opera. You have to train your ears to it."

I remember the times when I considered Transilvanian Hunger to be totally unlistenable. Not anymore.
"Raw Black metal is very much like Opera. You have to train your ears to it."

I remember the times when I considered Transilvanian Hunger to be totally unlistenable. Not anymore.

You should listen to Grimlair. Neuro recced them to me and I love it now.