Black Metal.

Hubster, this is silly. I had a hatred for myspace for a while and then I realized it was stupid to do so, and started using it a lot and even made my own page. Just because dumb ass kids use it does not mean it is not a valid tool.

How is putting your material on a web page where it can be accessed and heard by people sinking to a low standard? Like Nec was saying,the only pages I see are my own, bands and label pages. I find a lot of new bands through the networking of myspace.

The things you are saying are based purely in being anti-mainstream and super grim, which is, as I said, very silly. It also seems very childish. If I did not know better I would say you were a teenager yourself based on the last few posts you have made.

I agree 100% with this post
The debate about Myspace being untrue is pretty interesting. It simplifies down to what you think a band's goals should be. A band goes on Myspace to be heard by people, to seek an audience. Some people think there is something inherently wrong about trying to promote your music, especially in black metal. Of course, it's much different when a band gets popular without Myspace. Then people can say "band x doesn't give a shit about being popular--it's the label that's promoting them." Myspace makes the band responsible for promotion and getting popular. Self-promotion somehow lessens the effect of a band. As a listener though, Myspace is quite convenient. These fan-run ones have more credibility, although I don't know how you can tell them apart from official ones most of the time.

Myspace is so damn ugly to look at. Even well designed ones look like shit. Facebook has a much cleaner, nicer layout.

but Facebook doesn't have band accounts do they?
Hmm I didn't mean to start a big argument. Frankly Hubster and Perpetual Catatonia, you are completely wrong. I've seen tons of bands on their (including black metal) that you would consider underground. It is also a good resource for listening to a band without stealing music from them.

I generally agree with this as well. Yeah there can be a lot of annoying baggage that comes with MySpace in general, but as a tool for musicians, it doesn't help to kind of "trim" the fat of a normal page and give me alot of info that I want in one place, particularly show dates and song samples.
"Raw Black metal is very much like Opera. You have to train your ears to it."

I remember the times when I considered Transilvanian Hunger to be totally unlistenable. Not anymore.

True that. I used to be totally unable to enjoy a black metal album with such shitty production, but now it's quite an enlightening experience. Black metal is my favorite metal subgenre. :)
Just posting some thoughts on a couple of new black metal releases..

Mortuus Infradaemoni - Daemon Qui Fecit Terram
. This band is made up of former Lunar Aurora members, and they do share some similarities with said band. The songs are relatively long and pretty "epic", and will probably please most fans of black metal. Not particularly groundbreaking, but enjoyble stuff nevertheless.

Marduk - Rom 5:12. A positive surprise. Their 2004 effort, "Plague Angel", marked a slight departure from their traditional style of non stop blasting, although several of the songs were blastfests. "Rom 5:12" is a bigger step away from their old norsecore ways. Several songs are mid tempo and a lot more atmospheric and melodic than what you'd come to expect from Marduk. The production is rawer, the vocals are better (Mortuus/Arioch of Funeral Mist fame is definitely a better vocalist than their previous vocalist, Legion), and the songwriting more varied. Check it out, you might be in for a surprise.

Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli. I've only listened to it a couple of times, but so far I feel this one's a step down from DCA (which wasn't exactly an excellent album either, just solid stuff) and a lot more boring than PEM. Apart from the pretty damn good "The Fundamental Alienation" and "The Invaluable Darkness", the songs don't really grab my attention. I hope it will grow on me, because I really wanted this one to be good. I'll give it more listens, that's for sure.
"Raw Black metal is very much like Opera. You have to train your ears to it."

I remember the times when I considered Transilvanian Hunger to be totally unlistenable. Not anymore.

same here...TH is now one of my favorite black metal albums.
There is an NSBM band called Jewicide :lol:
Dumb name, but cool logo:


It's cool how they do it in the shape of a star.
"Raw Black metal is very much like Opera. You have to train your ears to it."

I remember the times when I considered Transilvanian Hunger to be totally unlistenable. Not anymore.
I never thought that it was unlistenable, but I once thought that the riffs were primitive and amateurish, and could be written and played by anyone who played guitar for a couple months. It took me a while to realize that this is not the case, and that it is not easy to create such riffs, which evoke such an atmosphere. The riffs are even very melodic, if you can get past the very raw production and sloppy playing technique.
can anyone recommend bands in the vein of Leviathan/Lurker Of Chalice


Xasthur sounds nothing like Leviathan or Lurker Of Chalice.