Black Metal.

It's not really cheesy, but the keyboards remind me of those old NES/SNES RPGs. The music itself is quite good, I must say.

Ha, that's so true,especially the opening to the 3rd track-The Passing of the Grey Company-sounds like something that's taken right from a King's Quest installment. Excellent album, though.
Anyone checked out the new Kroda album? I haven't liked their previous material too much, but the new record is quite interesting.
I love Kroda. Their new albums is pretty good too. :kickass:

can anyone recommend bands in the vein of Leviathan/Lurker Of Chalice


Xasthur sounds nothing like Leviathan or Lurker Of Chalice.
Elysian Blaze
Reventale (Not exactly but almost)
Forest Poetry was too raw for me, and I happen to actually enjoy raw black metal. are Ildjarn's other albums as raw as that? or are they better produced?

I think they are all equally raw productionwise.
They just differ in style. The newer (Dorest Poetry and Strength and Anger) ones sound more monotonous and Darkthrone-ish, the older ones had a melodic, pulsating, animalic, earthy sound.
Maybe you would like to get 1992-1995, which is some kind of best of (I normally do not like that kind of thing... but i would actually recommend it. It is good as an album.).
Ha, that's so true,especially the opening to the 3rd track-The Passing of the Grey Company-sounds like something that's taken right from a King's Quest installment. Excellent album, though.

I love that track. That and "Dagor Bragollach" are truly epic songs.

The cheap-o keyboards don't bother me, instead they remind that you can make great music without need of high-tech equipment.

And there's just something about the snare drum on that album. Love it.
Alright i'll get this out first. I hate black metal. BUT. I'm willing to give it a try. Can any of you recommend me one CD that is the best black metal CD?
The best three, as far as I'm concerned, are:

Primordial - Spirit The Earth Aflame
Belenos - Spicilege
Mystic Forest - Romances

However most will not agree with me on that, so who knows ...
Dimmu borgir-purintanical euphoric misanthropia
great b.m. for starters
somewhat "catchy" trax on there

I suppose that's a good album for people who never heard black metal, but it's a slow approach. It's the path I took and it was quite a while before I became a real black metal fan.
Some various doors through which one can enter the black metal room:

Enslaved -- Prog
Cradle of Filth -- Mainstream Slipknotness
Dimmu Borgir -- If you like orchestration in your power/trad metal.
Summoning -- bleh

depends on where you're coming from.

edit: i entered through dimmu.