Black Metal.

Nobody enters through the right doors anymore...Venom, Mercyful Fate, Bathory, Sodom, Sarcofago, Bulldozer, Tormentor, Mayhem, Burzum, Master's Hammer, Root.

It doesn't matter what door you enter through, as long as you end up in the right room. I was also introduced to black metal (and I use the term very lightly in this case) by Dimmu Borgir, and I have to credit some of those "gateway" bands with delivering me into better music. Not everybody's heard of Bathory, Sarcofago and the likes, but if some "sell out" band can get them hooked, then who cares how they were introduced to the genre?
My first black metal cd was Crimson Moonlight - The Covenant Progress.

btw, I am really loving Shining's cds......this is some amazing stuff.:)
After first getting very much into death metal (from the melodic stuff through to the brutal stuff), the first black metal album I even listened to start to finish was Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse. Been hooked ever since. I actually went backwards at one point, tried to listen to some Dimmu and thought "fuck this sucks".

I'm currently getting quite owned by Belenos (Spicilege).
My first was the Scattered Ashes collection from Emperor. I remember being very lost the first few times I listened to it, maybe because the songs wildly vary in style. I got a feel for what raw (Wrath of the Tyrant) and rather polished (Anthems) black metal would be like. The cover songs got me interested in other BM bands. A Fine Day to Die and Funeral Fog were good, and Cromlech from Darkthrone sounded great, even though that wasn't a good representation of Darkthrone. The cover of Gypsy owned the Mercyful Fate version.

Great release overall. I rated it a 90 on M-A.
What's the matter? Are they not tr00 enough for you?:lol:

Right, however over/mis-used that term may be it applies rightfully in this case. You've probably read about their latest show and the gimmicks they pulled off. Though I can overlook that, it's their music that is bastardized "black" metal intended for the MTV that bothers me.
Remember that BM project I started a while back? Well, when all of you looked at it I had one song posted, which was mostly me tooling around on my guitar and throwing in some Maiden-esque riffs, with half assed blast beat drum programming. Well, after basically throwing my whole demo lineup (about six songs of pure shit attempting to be black metal with NWOBHM influence) I have totally revamped and converted to shameless Darkthrone worship with some piano and tremolo string programmed in there. And I actually have an aim and not just making shit up on the fly. An instrumental song will probably be posted soon, if anyone is interested.

Just saying.