Black Metal.

His reasoning is not based on the music, it's clear. It's based on the band's sketchy politics and stupid media presence (or lack thereof).

I bought Falkenbach's ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... today for 5 dollars.
His reasoning is not based on the music, it's clear. It's based on the band's sketchy politics and stupid media presence (or lack thereof).

That makes them less black metal? They don't have to be totally anti-media like Darkthrone or anything, but I sure as hell have never seen them on MTV. And this may pertain to how kvlt tr00 whatever the fuck you want to say they are, but if you are thinking this makes them less BM it is in a totally different way than why Dimmu is less BM. Dimmu is less BM because of the actual fucking music. Stupid media stunts and image do not make them less black metal, just more stupid.
Really? I think that they are pretty good for a USBM band.

Well to be fair I haven't heard the full length or the other split, I've only heard the releases that I mentioned, but the majority of the material on the mentioned releases I didn't care for too much. Some of it was okay, but nothing that I need to keep in my collection.
His reasoning is not based on the music, it's clear. It's based on the band's sketchy politics and stupid media presence (or lack thereof).

I bought Falkenbach's ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... today for 5 dollars.

Good choice, great deal.

Bought my first Limbonic Art album today. Ad Noctum-Dynasty Of Death.

Didn't like it very much.

Give it some time, the music is too complex to appreciate all on the first listen.
That makes them less black metal? They don't have to be totally anti-media like Darkthrone or anything, but I sure as hell have never seen them on MTV. And this may pertain to how kvlt tr00 whatever the fuck you want to say they are, but if you are thinking this makes them less BM it is in a totally different way than why Dimmu is less BM. Dimmu is less BM because of the actual fucking music. Stupid media stunts and image do not make them less black metal, just more stupid.

No, I completely agree with you.
Shining plain sucks. It's not black metal, it's goth rock. I don't care if a band is "anti-media" or not, their music is made for 'edgier' scene kids.

No need to go indepth, it just sucks.
Shining plain sucks. It's not black metal, it's goth rock. I don't care if a band is "anti-media" or not, their music is made for 'edgier' scene kids.

No need to go indepth, it just sucks.

Dude, did one of the guys like fuck your mother or something? Also they're definitely not "goth rock," and if you could kindly point out where these "edgier scene kids" congregate who like underground metal stuff, that'd be sweet.
Shining plain sucks. It's not black metal, it's goth rock. I don't care if a band is "anti-media" or not, their music is made for 'edgier' scene kids.

No need to go indepth, it just sucks.

You have never, ever heard this band in your life. That is the only possible explanation.
I just checked out Grom - By Oak, Ash, and Thorns. It's good for USBM, with a lot of thrash and death influence (cool lyrics, too). I find that when USBM doesn't try to be raw and minimalistic, it's good, but when it does, it usually sucks. This is why I like Grom, GBK, Tearstained, Absu, etc., but don't like Xasthur, Leviathan, etc.

I think Leviathan and Xasthur suck. awful garbage
No matter how many times I listen to Xasthur-Telepathic With The Deceased, I simply can not like it. Yes, I know what I am listening to, no, I am not some n00b who simply "does not understand" the music. I just don't really like it all that much. There are much better similar bands out there.
Reading through "Choosing Death: The Improbable history of death metal and grincore", I was struck by a description of a death metal fan wearing a "black metal sucks: support your local death metal band" or similar T-shirt round about 1996.

...for you see, gentle reader, I was that man.