Black Metal.

Hmm I didn't mean to start a big argument. Frankly Hubster and Perpetual Catatonia, you are completely wrong. I've seen tons of bands on their (including black metal) that you would consider underground. It is also a good resource for listening to a band without stealing music from them.

I know. I said before, I just thought it was funny seeing someone say that. I've seen plenty of bands on Myspace who aren't commercial at all. I use Myspace often to check out bands. It's a fast and easy to get a sample of a band you're listening to for the first time.

Hubster, this is silly. I had a hatred for myspace for a while and then I realized it was stupid to do so, and started using it a lot and even made my own page. Just because dumb ass kids use it does not mean it is not a valid tool.

Odds are that kids who we would refer to as "stupid" or "trendy" and whatnot wont see the pages of underground black metal bands anyway. So I agree with you that it is not so bad. I say it's just people making themselves look bad.
You do realize that the logo is symbolic of the breakdown of a Star of David, which is an important Jewish symbol, right?
Of course.. The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism, like the cross is the sign of Christianity and the crescent shaped moon is the sign of Islam. The fact that it's shaped in the Star of David is the whole point of the logo. I think that it's pretty clever.
It took about two years of intense Black Metal listening until I could truly appreciate Ildjarn. Even then, I could only listen to Det Frysende Nordariket and Forest Poetry (the former now being among my favourite albums of all time). Now, I can listen to everything he's recorded without a problem. The self-titled is absurdly raw, but it works. I love the primal nature of the music; no fucking bullshit, just raw Black Metal in it's most pure form.

I wonder how Ildjarn is more raw then Det Frysende Nordarriket or the other stuff... ;)

I think the selftitled one is the best Ildjarn album: It has an original sound, much more than the more darkthrone-like later albums.
And it is more coherent as a piece of art then DFN, which is a collection of different sounding demos..
Sad, that it is the only Ildjarn album that i don't have on CD (i have a tape though, but i hate tapes for their unpractical handling, even though they are so "underground" ;) .)
I wonder how Ildjarn is more raw then Det Frysende Nordarriket or the other stuff... ;)

I think the selftitled one is the best Ildjarn album: It has an original sound, much more than the more darkthrone-like later albums.
And it is more coherent as a piece of art then DFN, which is a collection of different sounding demos..
Sad, that it is the only Ildjarn album that i don't have on CD (i have a tape though, but i hate tapes for their unpractical handling, even though they are so "underground" ;) .)

Forest Poetry was too raw for me, and I happen to actually enjoy raw black metal. are Ildjarn's other albums as raw as that? or are they better produced?
What do you guys think about the clean vocals? I can't stand them when there are too much like in a lot of recent Emperor, Mayhem, and Rotting Chirst songs.