Black Metal.

I really like Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice. At times I think this album is quite menacing, a quality that I rarely find in black metal, or any kind of music. And even at such a lengthy album, I do not feel it is a monotonous listen. Rather I see it as one of those albums that presents itself as a "journey" from start to finish. The production is great too, a bit on the filthy side and well suited for the style of the music.

On the other hand, I thought Fas had some great moments but ultimately, I feel disappointed when the album ends. The production is a bit too clinical for them and the drums are too high in the mix that they're annoying. And yes, the album doesn't have much melody, instead it's very technical and comes off as being too chaotic and meandering for me personally. I suppose I find this album on the monotonous side but maybe I didn't give this album much of a chance when it came out. After all I do like Abigor's recent album, and that's a very odd, technical one too.

However, I think once I give the new album another go, I'm confident that I will enjoy it. :)
I've listened to it 10 or so times and it's not better than SMRC or Fas but it still rules and will make my top 3 of the year pretty easily.
I listened to Paracletus again, and I've decided that upon further listen I really do like it, my initial feelings of disappointment have subsided. I think it's much better than Fas. I think it sits somewhere in between the previous two albums in terms of sound.
New Draugnim. Doesn't seem as good as Northwind's Ire. The song "Weeper's Way" was really boring, just sludging monotony. This tune is pretty epic though:
