Black Metal.

Evolutionarily speaking, the breakdown the troll suggested is relatively accurate. Black people are most adapted to live in the hot desert and rainforest regions of Africa, as they have evolved and survived there since the rise of mankind. Most other regions of the world are an offshoot of the ancient civilizations of Africa and have adapted to their physical climates for thousands of years, and therefore have evolved to become the most regionally suitable "race" for their given environment.

Exactly, you just proved my point. No matter where humans (or any animal, for that matter) migrate or move to, they will, over generations, adapt to the environment. There is no scientific, cultural, economic or political set of standards that necessitates blacks staying in Africa. There is no universal rule book that says if Africans move out of Africa, or Europeans move to the Americas, chaos will ensue. There are plenty of examples from history that show the negative consequnces of cultural mixing and imperialism; but there are also positive effects. The Crusades were terrible, but they also presented an opportunity for Muslims to mingle with Christians and impart their knowledge onto them. Thus, Christians returned to Europe with new theories on medicine, technology and science.

Using the negative effects of inter-cultural mingling to try and prove that the geographic regions certain peoples are endemic to are the "proper" or "right" places for them is absurd. Humanity is one single race; where a black man lives, a white man can live and vice versa. We're not being compared to fish. All humans have the same respiratory system. Using the term "race" to distinguish between Asians, Africans, Europeans, Americans etc. is a very misleading premise.

EDIT: now, why are we debating this in the black metal thread?
I'm sorry sir but that is what we call racist. Give it whatever name you want that makes you feel better, we know what you are. It's people like you that make me somewhat glad I wasn't raised where I was born, I might have ended up as an intolerant bastard. You know who I think the supreme race is? Black people from England.

Well, im not some 12 year old scared to death of getting called a racist. I am a strong proud white man, and will proudly spout my nationalist ideas until the day I die. I am Norwegian, I only want to be around other Norwegians. I dont want blacks from England, or whites from England around here.

I see the world like this.
Norwegians>other Scandinavian whites>Western Europeans>Eastern Europeans>Asians>all the others.(i lump them together because I am ignorant of them and I dont care to learn about their history or culture)
If you go to Oslo and see the immigrants there you would understand where im coming from. Its awful.

Agree on that, Oslo S (Norways main train station) "the capital of immigrants". Literary. It feels like beeing in a different country just beeing there waiting for a train. You see 1 white person for every 10th immigrant. Im not a racist, not even a nationalist. But its stating to get insane up here now...
The best and most fruitful arguments are always those where "<" and ">" are involved.

and the most intelligent responses to those arguments are ones where you simply mock the argument, while not stating any ideas of your own or any reason why the argument is wrong.
I thought this thread was about black metal and not some racialist stuff/ranking cultures bullshit. :(

Deathspell Omega - Paracletus np.
Listened to Sacramentum - Far Away From the Sun for the first time. Amazing stuff.

Yes, it sure is. Their other early album The Coming Chaos is quite good as well, not as good though. Something else you may enjoy if you haven't heard it already (and my all time favorite album):

Dawn - Slaughtersun - The Knell and the World

The whole album is great, check it out.
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Where should I start if I'm looking to get into more Avant-Garde Black Metal

Keep in mind I usually like older, darker, and rawer forms of BM(i.e. Burzum, Early Darkthrone)

Also, is there anything like psychedelic blackmetal? I don't mean psychedelic as a throwback to the 60's and 70's, i just mean something that uses the rawness and dissonance of the distortion to create a musical euphoria type effect...

ya get me?
Where should I start if I'm looking to get into more Avant-Garde Black Metal

Keep in mind I usually like older, darker, and rawer forms of BM(i.e. Burzum, Early Darkthrone)

Also, is there anything like psychedelic blackmetal? I don't mean psychedelic as a throwback to the 60's and 70's, i just mean something that uses the rawness and dissonance of the distortion to create a musical euphoria type effect...

ya get me?

Ved Buens Ende and Fluerety
Where should I start if I'm looking to get into more Avant-Garde Black Metal

Keep in mind I usually like older, darker, and rawer forms of BM(i.e. Burzum, Early Darkthrone)

Also, is there anything like psychedelic blackmetal? I don't mean psychedelic as a throwback to the 60's and 70's, i just mean something that uses the rawness and dissonance of the distortion to create a musical euphoria type effect...

ya get me?

I suggest you try out Aborym. Start with Kali Yuga Bizarre.

Perhaps also <Code> or Diablerie?
If you honestly believe that all cultures have the same value, how can you start ranking them all of a sudden?

Different values for different people.
Norwegian culture has more value to me than any other culture does, because i'm Norwegian.
Unfortunately now, every country in the world is having American culture shoved down our throats even though we have made it very clear we don't want it.

All those bm bands releasing albums in English are the most disgusting excuse for Norwegian culture ever,
Unfortunately now, every country in the world is having American culture shoved down our throats even though we have made it very clear we don't want it.

That must be why everytime I go to Europe I see so many people there chowing down at their local McDonalds. They clearly don't want our culture and it's not like they've proven otherwise through their consumption habits.