Black Metal.

Well, im not some 12 year old scared to death of getting called a racist. I am a strong proud white man, and will proudly spout my nationalist ideas until the day I die. I am Norwegian, I only want to be around other Norwegians. I dont want blacks from England, or whites from England around here.

I see the world like this.
Norwegians>other Scandinavian whites>Western Europeans>Eastern Europeans>Asians>all the others.(i lump them together because I am ignorant of them and I dont care to learn about their history or culture)

Yes! I'm second in your hierarchy!

But in 45 minutes I'm hopefully screwing a Moroccan girl. Does that move me in between western and eastern europeans? Or all the way to the bottom...?
Well, im not some 12 year old scared to death of getting called a racist. I am a strong proud white man, and will proudly spout my nationalist ideas until the day I die. I am Norwegian, I only want to be around other Norwegians. I dont want blacks from England, or whites from England around here.

I see the world like this.
Norwegians>other Scandinavian whites>Western Europeans>Eastern Europeans>Asians>all the others.(i lump them together because I am ignorant of them and I dont care to learn about their history or culture)

Ah yes. The strong and mighty Norwegians who became subservient lapdogs to a bunch of Germans led by an Austrian.
Mayhem_Metalhead you might like some of the more shoegazey bands. All that fuzz can have a really trancelike effect. Try Petrychor, Lantlos, Nachtmystium "Assassins" was a good rec.

RavageTheKingdom is the man. I bet he's like 160 cm tall and so musclebound he can't tie his own shoes. I'm interested to hear more of his views on why recording a BM album in English is such a race traitor thing to do?
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay is pretty good too, although I don't know how psychedelic it is compared to Assassins, as I haven't listened to anything but Instinct: Decay.

Guys, Ravage is quite obviously a troll. The fact he thinks it's shameful that BM bands sing in English, even though the earliest of BM bands sung in English, should point that out. Either that or he's actually serious and just a dipshit. In any case, you should do yourself a favor and stop replying.
Excellent track! Chosen by No One is a personal favourite too!

If looking for a psychedelic approach to black metal, then Njiqaddha's Yrg Alms might be applicable. It's a fucking great album nevertheless.

Anyone heard Graupel's new album btw?
That must be why everytime I go to Europe I see so many people there chowing down at their local McDonalds. They clearly don't want our culture and it's not like they've proven otherwise through their consumption habits.

I don't doubt this. At this point in time the average Norwegian has been so completely brainwashed that they can't even differentiate between American and Norwegian culture.

A lot of Norwegians though don't like this idea that the US is somehow the leader of the free nations of the world. They have been around for less than 300 years. Why should they lead nations like us that have been here for thousands of years?
I'm really digging Castevet's Mounds of Ash. I shouldn't be too surprised though since Profound Lore released it and they are pretty much the best label in metal right now.

Different values for different people.
Norwegian culture has more value to me than any other culture does, because i'm Norwegian.

I'm responding because this is seriously an interesting topic for me.

You say: "Different values for different cultures."

But if you promote certain distinct values over others, then doesn't that imply that you encourage those values upon all peoples of the world, not just Norwegians? Thus, if you believe Norwegians should be upstanding, proud, noble citizens, you also believe that Americans should be upstanding, proud, noble citizens. Maybe you feel that Americans shouldn't be proud of their culture, since you obviously think so poorly of it; but then that constitutes a certain "type" of culture that you uphold as ideal, and Americans should strive toward just such a culture. Thus, the ideal culture you envision is not a "Norwegian" culture, but a universal culture.

No one ever advocates specific values for specific peoples. Values are universal, if you maintain them. They're supposed to hold true for everyone. Therefore, there's no such thing as "Norwegian values." The values you maintain in your homeland are values that you advocate for people all over the world.

I'm really digging Castevet's Mounds of Ash. I shouldn't be too surprised though since Profound Lore released it and they are pretty much the best label in metal right now.


Great record.
A lot of Norwegians though don't like this idea that the US is somehow the leader of the free nations of the world. They have been around for less than 300 years. Why should they lead nations like us that have been here for thousands of years?

Who cares? What does the age of the country have to do with anything? What you ought to be asking about is who is best equipped to lead. At any rate, what do you mean when you suggest that the US leads nations like yours? In what sense does the US lead them?
Thanks for the reccs guys, still have to check out most of it.

I didn't really like the album Assasins though, to rock influenced and light for me. :/
ya ask for avant garde black metal, ya gotta get the kings

Code is an excellent band.

Code is definitely an excellent band. Resplendent Grotesque was such a phenomenal album. Can't wait to hear what these guys do next.

I'll also second the mentions of Lantlos and a few others and throw in Ekpyrosis
Different values for different people.
Norwegian culture has more value to me than any other culture does, because i'm Norwegian.
Unfortunately now, every country in the world is having American culture shoved down our throats even though we have made it very clear we don't want it.

It's pretty natural that bigger cultures influence smaller cultures, that has always been the case. American culture works in Norway because the Norwegians have accepted it there, you don't have a gun to your head.
Awesome thanks! :kickass:

I'm not sure if I should bother, but if by some chance you haven't heard Dissection's Storm of the Light's Bane, get that asap.

And here's a few more you should enjoy:

Thulcandra - Fallen Angel's Dominion
Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
Waldgeflüster - Herbstklagen
Demonic - The Empire of Agony
Gehena - Adimiron Black