Black Metal.

:lol: at "'unique snowflake' black metal"

Farsot news:

farsot have finished recording their upcoming abum "insects". The successor of "IIII" was produced under the direction of Markus Stock at Studio e / Mellrichstadt (Germany). The new material will consequently progress the path, which was already entered by their previous releases. It's up to you to experience the abysmal, yet disturbing energies and to deeply inhale its earthy odor. Beyond your expectations, the thematic context of "insects" will offer you a more real effect.


1. like flakes of rust

2. empyrean

3. perdition

4. 7

5. adamantine chains

6. the vermilion trail

7. withdrawal

8. somnolent

The final works on "insects" are almost completed. An exact release date and further details will follow in the coming weeks.
Bout time. I've been waiting on this album for like 2 years.

What exactly do you think code is "trying" to be. Their lyrics are reminiscent of ved buens ende, and vicotnik is a member of code. There's no trying hard when it comes to self expression.

thanks for the rec, MoL.
What exactly do you think code is "trying" to be. Their lyrics are reminiscent of ved buens ende, and vicotnik is a member of code. There's no trying hard when it comes to self expression.

I just want to know why the lyrics matter in the grand scheme of things. In my opinion the lyrics could be poetry and mean just about as much as "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" as far as determining musical quality.
Bout time. I've been waiting on this album for like 2 years.

What exactly do you think code is "trying" to be. Their lyrics are reminiscent of ved buens ende, and vicotnik is a member of code. There's no trying hard when it comes to self expression.

thanks for the rec, MoL.

Read the lyrics from their last album. Nothing in any of the lyrics seems to indicate that any thought was put into them asides from "Hmm, this sounds poetic and dark. I'll go with it". I understand not all bands have well-thought out lyrics in mind, but when you attempt to go for the route they're taking and come up with poetry that sounds like it was written in a 19-year old Goth LiveJournal, it's weak. The band smacks of half-assery and the vocalist is a douchebag anyways.

I'll take my black metal with clean vocals and production in the style and aesthetic of a Primordial over a band like Code any day of the week.
So I think that was a dumb thing to do and Varg probably agrees since he hasnt done it since.

He named his new album The Fallen. And what about Filosofem for instance, the famous lyrics "I wonder why, life must be, I wonder how, life will be"... Those are in English. The other tracks there too.
Actually the album isn't The Fallen, it's Fallen, which is Norwegian, but means the same thing in English. You're right to point out that lyrics on Filosofem were also in English though.
Actually the album isn't The Fallen, it's Fallen, which is Norwegian, but means the same thing in English. You're right to point out that lyrics on Filosofem were also in English though.

Oh! Sorry then, I must have been confused by the thread name which is wrong.