Black Metal.

Here's a great danish band, Slaegt. Fans of raw punkish BM in the vein of Ildjarn should like this.

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I was just listening to Covenant's 'In Times Before the Light' again and I was just blown away. Some really nice symphonic/melodic black metal right there. I understand they did some re-recordings of their first two albums using electronics... I've heard some of those tracks and they definitely don't match up to the originals. How's 'Nexus Polaris'? Haven't gotten around to that one yet.
One of my favorite band.

Fans of bands similar to Arckanum should check this out ASAP.

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Cant remember where I found out about this album, but this fucking kicks ass. Reminds me a lot of Drudkh, which is probably why my boner is raging.
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Kafka, you heard about it from me. Give me my Kvlt credit, god damn it! And yeah I really like that album as well. So haunting and beautiful.

Been hooked to Forgotten Wood's "As the Woods Gather." Such an underrated album of the second wave.

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I haven't finished listening to all the new links but so far like up to that Incipt band posted. So much new shit to listen to, hard to keep up!

Mortifera has a new album, I'm listening to it now on youtube.

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Cobalt is a band I don't see mentioned too often. I heard the album 'Eater of Birds' and I was thoroughly impressed. The drums are tribal and fierce. The vocals do not disappoint and the musical interludes always hold my interest. I'm gonna check out their album 'Gin' next. Thoughts?
I personally like Gin more. Eater of birds is a solid album, but I just prefer Gin more. They played the pre show at MDF this year, and didn't disappoint in the least. Excellent live performance, especially considering it was their 3rd show, ever. One of my favorite sets this year.
Check this out:

Mid-paced Viking-y Blackened crust of the 80's ''stenchcore'' variety(à la Amebix).

Highly recomended.

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Anyone else looking forward to the new Wolves in the Throne Room? I've been revisiting their catalog. 'Black Cascade' and 'Two Hunters' are probably at the top of my list right now.
I am looking forward to it. Do you know an estimated release date? I actually just found out that they got back together the other week. I thought they took a hiatus and had no plans of getting back together...

I am also hoping they tour, I would love to see them live. They played in LA a few years ago with Earth, and Im still kicking myself that I didnt go...