Black Metal.

I have no idea when the album's coming out, so can't help you there. I heard that they're amazing live, so it's a show I would look forward to as well. I did hear a rumor that the new album might be going in a different direction, like less black metal... but that's totally unsubstantiated at the moment.
ClichéUserName;10762358 said:
One of my favorite band.

Fans of bands similar to Arckanum should check this out ASAP.

Wulkanaz is truly great and overlooked.
Relax, I'm just giving Yoda shit. He calls me a fag all the time too. Don't take it too seriously.

Personally I don't think that type of black metal too interesting and find it corny, poppy, and redundant and I do get annoyed by people drooling over it as if it's the pinnacle of the genre, but I also see the appeal and if you like it, by all means listen to it and enjoy. There are far worse things you could be listening to.
Haha, but seriously, video aside, that song is tits right? Amirite? I actually found the whole album to be quite a good listen, if a little over the top at times.
The new Alcest has leaked. Not in 320 kbs as far as I know but well in 192 kbs. A really good album. Neige knows how to do shoegaze, that's for sure.
I find Alcest's shoegaze stuff to be pretty damn boring. Souveniers was pretty dull and I couldn't even finish Les Voayages. The first two tracks of Ecailles are phenomenal and the 3rd track is good too, but the rest of the album is listless. Saw them live and they had no energy. It sounded pretty, but it was heartless. All in all a pretty overrated band.
So Alcest shouldn't be classified as black metal anymore.
What do you guys think of The Ruins of Beverast? People seem to like Rain Upon the Impure the most but I've been more partial to Unlock the Shrine. The last two albums have been more doomy and crushing, but marking a stylistic change which is always welcome.
Yeah Alcest is not black metal by any definition of the term. They have a few passages of black metal on their albums and apparently their first demo is black metal (don't know, never listened to it) but that's about it.

I love the first three RoB albums. Foulest Semen is the best, but they're all interesting in their own way. The latest is very good, but a step down from their previous works.