Black Metal.

I can't even begin to describe how awful this inaphyt person is. Anyway, on topic: I like black metal.
On topic:
Today I listened to my copy of Inquisition's "Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan" for the first time and what do you know? It was pretty good!
I honestly don't know why the fuck I haven't listened to them yet, though I was looking at their latest release on the No Colours page and I'm tempted to order it next month along with the new Graveland.
tech death really isn't very "tech" at all when you listen to genres like jazz, classical, and 70's prog

edit: I'm out of this thread, some people really need to expand their musical taste if they think bands like death and necrophagist are overly technical
I honestly don't know why the fuck I haven't listened to them yet, though I was looking at their latest release on the No Colours page and I'm tempted to order it next month along with the new Graveland.

Would that be the 2007 release?
Some time, I'm going to upload a few tracks over on RC.
Maybe even do a reco-style thread.
This album was far more varied and impressive than I expected from the one track I heard pre-purchase.
Meh i don't care how many people disagree with me, i own the 3 earliest bathory albums, every emperor album and darkthrone (not sure which album ahem).

Not only do they all sound identical to the next black metal band on the list but they are disgusting to the ears.

Being a fan of tech, black metal is just boring to me (except melechesh) why would you listen to something thats oversaturated underproduced and ruined by awful vocals?

I really want to punch you, not because of what you're saying, but because you're so shameless in your n00bified arrogant stupidity. Could you really try to be any dumber?
Have you even listened to tech death? there are no 2 bands that sound the same in the genre therefore your argument is ridiculous
go listen to some noise froob.

As for boring check out beneath the massacre - Nevermore pure adrenaline in a bottle. as you are another in the narrow minded black metal cult you will decline this offer with some ridiculous post but for your own good i think you should.

Your such a fucking hypocrit.

I just gave you like 5-6 BM bands to check out that refutes everything you say yet you didn't check them out. And you tell us "narrow minded" people to listen to some Tech death to "know" what were talking about. HOW ABOUT YOU LISTEN TO SOME BM and LEARN WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT.

I hate most BM, but honestly give these bands a listen they fucking own.

Illnath / Stormlord / Tvangeste / Kataxu / Old Man's Child / Graveworm (Though people classify them as Gothic...I still say BM) / Winter of Agony

Honestly your the most retarded person.

I don't even like the pure BM crap, but, I don't come in here saying untrue shit.

Tech Death is....not that good. I prefer Melo-D, but hey to each their own.
I'm a hypocrit when i own black metal albums?

How many tech albums do you own? exactly. and of course the florida boy likes melo death.

Anyhoo ill check them out for sheer comedy value.
I'm a hypocrit when i own black metal albums?

How many tech albums do you own? exactly. and of course the florida boy likes melo death.

Anyhoo ill check them out for sheer comedy value.

You own a whole 5 BM albums...and not even the type of bands I listed. You can't compare that kind of BM to the kind I showed you.

And what does that supposed to mean? If anything I should like Death being as I live 45min from Tampa... Deicide/Morbid Angel/etc.

The US has no good Melo-D bands so I don't get what your going for.