Black Metal.

Illnath aren't that black... they're about is black as Cradle of Filth if you ask me. Not dissing CoF, I like them, but they're not black or anywhere close.

It's a different kind of BM, still BM. If it isn't BM then what is it? It certainly isn't any off shoot of Death (Melo-D/Brutal/Tech), it isn't Prog/AvanteGarde, it isn't Power/Speed/Thrash/Folk/Viking/ what have you.

There are different sub-genre's within BM, and they fit into one of those. Symphonic BM would mostly fit them.

I can't stand straight BM, but Symphonic/Orchestral BM is amazing if done right. (He is right about the production on most pure BM it really is crappy, if they produced it a lil bit better it would probably sound a ton better)
To go back a couple of pages...
Xasthur's Subliminal Genocide should be quite enjoyable for anyone who likes post-TWTD Xasthur. It's certainly a step up from To Violate The Oblivious. It's got two or three songs that are just great. It does lack the downright evil atmosphere found in the earliest releases though, if that's what you're looking for.

Nachtmystium - Demise is a good choice, although it's really different than Instinct: Decay. I : D has an extremely bassy sound for a black metal album, while Demise is much more like the trebly BM you're used to. Demise is not all that original, but still worth listening to.

Speaking of Xasthur and Nachtmystium, here's a video of Malefic with Nachtmystium...playing a Twilight song. The vocals are impressive.
Well we shut that retard up, anyways, whats up with all the dumb names in BM? aaarrrghh for some guy in Mystic Circle? Can't you come up with something better >.>
Profanum Aternum-Eminence of Satanic Imperial Art and Musaeum Esotericum are more or less classical music with black metal vocals. Pretty damn good, but honestly, you either get it or you don't. Love or hate.

I'v heard Darkspace I, and thought it was OK. Definitely for fans of the new age ambient spacey black metal

Ive got First Spell. It's pretty good keyboard-esque early 90s BM

Fucking terrible.

Thanks, man. It's guys like you, Hubster and Dodens who I can always depend on for good advice here.

Long live the Black Metal Thread!
Also, I'm starting to get more into Samael's first two albums. You were right Dodens, it's some damn good stuff. A nice complement to the rest of my Samael collection.
Then what would you classify them as?

Even metal-archives as them as BM/Melodic Heavy and they classify themselves as Melodic Black Metal lol. Imho they are black metal, maybe not the type of BM you listen to, but still BM.

They sound exactly like Children of Bodom (Winter of Agony that is), and I don't think I need to tell you that their not Black Metal.
For Nachtmystium fans check out the new song they put on their myspace page :

The song will be used for a split with Leviathan. I think the other songs by Nachtmystium will be covers. This song is awesome. I remember hearing them play it live last time I saw them, and it was great then. There are some very interesting bass lines on the song but you can't really hear them on this stream. Hopefully it will be clearer on the release.
Who here has heard the new Marduk rom 5-12? Great surprise with this one, I expected it to be a simple rehash of plague angel but it's really a fresh sounding album.
Also, I'm starting to get more into Samael's first two albums. You were right Dodens, it's some damn good stuff. A nice complement to the rest of my Samael collection.


Check out Anael as well if you have not yet, the first album is essential the midway point between Worship Him and Blood Ritual, and the second album uses the general Samael base while expanding into new territory. There are 3 mp3s from each album on the Barbarbian Wrath web site, and you can purchase the second one from The Basar North America...the first one seems to be sold out now, unfortunately, though it probably turns up on ebay every now and then.
Nachtmystium - Demise is a good choice, although it's really different than Instinct: Decay. I : D has an extremely bassy sound for a black metal album, while Demise is much more like the trebly BM you're used to. Demise is not all that original, but still worth listening to.
Awesome, I look forward to getting this.

Speaking of Xasthur and Nachtmystium, here's a video of Malefic with Nachtmystium...playing a Twilight song. The vocals are impressive.