Black Metal.

S.V.E.S.T.'s Urfaust is another example of some amazing French BM. Achtung, however... you must like frizzled-out psychedelic noisy chaos to enjoy it.
I've been really digging Wodensthrone and Winterfylleth a lot lately.

Also getting into Wolves in the Throne Room for the first time. "I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Rooks," "Ahrimanic Trance," and "Thuja Magus Imperium" really stand out for me. But I get the impression UM doesn't really like WitTR much.

I like both BAN and DSO, but if I had to pick . . . I would lean towards DSO even though BAN is pretty much the first metal I ever listened to. I need to go back and really re-listen to all of it. 777 is great; each of the three parts is very distinct but they also flow. Sect(s) is the most straight-up ferocious, Desanctification is slower and eerier but still pretty metal (and probably has my favorite tracks from the entire trilogy, Epitome X and XIII), and Cosmosophy is weird fuzzy drone-y . . . whatever. I like it but find it distinctly "less metal" than the previous two.

There's also Antaeus/Aosoth. IV: An Arrow in Heart is pretty incredible, IMO. Got a fair amount of good press but I'd still call it severely underrated.
I never saw the hype for WITTR...

I am finally exploring Lunar Aurora's catalog. I must say the band may potentially live up to all the hype. I listened to Hoagascht start to finish and really enjoyed it. Very creative use of keyboards, synth and industrial sounds to add touches of cold, hollow atmosphere. I hope the rest of the material is just as good.
Not even close. Beyond the fact that DSO is the pinnacle of the genre in the 21st century, about 50% of BAN's records are mediocre. DSO, on the other hand has been consistently stellar since 2003.

I'll agree that DSO has more good music as a whole but nothing they've done touches Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age.
I'll agree that DSO has more good music as a whole but nothing they've done touches Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age.

Well it's pretty difficult to compare that record to DSO's material, but Fas and Paracletus are far superior in my eyes. Braver in scope and more perfect in accomplishment. I find MV to be a mostly stellar record with moments of brilliances but also a tenancy to flounder just a little bit from time to time. On the other hand, Fas and Paracletus are perfectly composed: engaging from the opening moment to the last, never short on ideas and never swaying off course. They are total artistic accomplishments.
I've only heard kenose and circumspice and neither engaged me in the least. Talented musicians no doubt, I just wished they had kept some of the style of hirilorn. Though I haven't heard their earliest stuff.

To the dude who listens to winterfylleth and wodensthrone, definitely check out ildra. Part of that anglo saxon black metal scene along with those two
I've only heard kenose and circumspice and neither engaged me in the least. Talented musicians no doubt, I just wished they had kept some of the style of hirilorn. Though I haven't heard their earliest stuff.

Fas and Paracletus are a quantum leap forward from those records; however, if you did not enjoy Kenose, you probably will not enjoy Fas or Paracletus either.
Belenos is pretty solid. Definitely a band I need to revisit more. Dont know Epheles, ill check into em.

As far as French Black Metal goes, Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera is my favorite record to come out of that country.

And I gotta say to pick between BAN and DSO is difficult. Its already been said, but yeah, with DSO every release has been fucking solid, but BAN has been a bit weak at times and fucking stellar at others. Not sure I could pick between the two.

But to say Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice is a quatum leap behind the following two albums is a total exaggeration. Maybe I have a soft spot for that album, being it was the first album that got me into DSO. The songwriting admittedly is a bit weaker, but that is one dark fucking album. Its major downfall isnt the songwriting though, its the length.
Belenos hasn't been the same since after Spicilège. Solid, but that stuff and before was brilliant.

DSO is mostly mostly trash. The musicians are clearly talented, but the songwriting is just not there. Incoherent bloated mess.


This French BM discussion reminded me of Mystic Forest, who I used to really like...not sure I care much anymore, but its kinda unique at least?

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I'd been recommended Belenos years ago; totally forgot about them until now.

Between DSO and BAN, I'd choose BAN. I like DSO, but I personally find even BAN's less-reputable material to be interesting. I view BAN's entire discography as something of a tremendous odyssey, and so the less interesting portions simply function as such: the meanderings and/or incomplete thoughts that necessarily bridge the more illuminating portions.
I absolutely love French BM. When it comes to DSO or BAN, I like both differently but I find DSO gets more replays and i think it's because they are a little easier and less moody to listen to. BAN is good for real dark moods as DSO i find is not so selective, to me anyways.

I enjoy Belenos a lot too and the album Errances Oniriques gets tons of replays.

Ill just leave this here, a French BM band I've been enjoying recently:
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DSO is mostly mostly trash. The musicians are clearly talented, but the songwriting is just not there. Incoherent bloated mess.


This French BM discussion reminded me of Mystic Forest, who I used to really like...not sure I care much anymore, but its kinda unique at least?

DSO is trash and Mystic Forest is unqiue :lol: Another brilliant post by Mort.

Belenos is pretty solid. Definitely a band I need to revisit more. Dont know Epheles, ill check into em.

As far as French Black Metal goes, Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera is my favorite record to come out of that country.

After the classics from DSO and Mutiilation, that VTM is probably my favorite French black metal record.

But to say Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice is a quatum leap behind the following two albums is a total exaggeration. Maybe I have a soft spot for that album, being it was the first album that got me into DSO. The songwriting admittedly is a bit weaker, but that is one dark fucking album. Its major downfall isnt the songwriting though, its the length.

The reason I say it's a quantum leap forward is specifically because of the songwriting. SMRC is still pretty straight forward verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus songwriting. Most of the songs are excellent executions of that formula, but formulaic nonetheless. And while it's certainly an original take on Darkthrone's formula, it is still fairly rooted in Transilvanian Hunger.

Fas and Parcaletus, on the other hand, are on a whole other level. Fas is like a symphonic tour of the mazes of hell, constantly twisting and contorting through horrific sounds, but always returning to a cold, atonal void. Paracletus is more of a relentless fantasia, more of a singular composition that pushes the listener to their limit before briefly giving them a glimpse of brief glimpses of beautiful tragedy. I find these records to be some of the most creative and insightful music I've heard.

I guess what I'm saying is it's not so much of a knock on SMRC as it is a compliment to how special Fas and Paracletus are.
I don't really care for Mystic Forest, but Romances, at least, is pretty unique. DSO is doing their own thing too, but they're not worth listening to for me.

Best French BM probably comes from either Antaeus or Mütiilation.

EDIT: Damn, I forgot about Children of Maani

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Holy crap I forgot about Peste Noire. Everything I've heard by them thus far is gold. Very eccentric and very effective.
S.V.E.S.Ts Urfaust is excellence, I must agree V5.