Black Metal.

You are totally wrong. They are a critical means of communicating the record's message. The essence of the record is a bastardization of Christian dogma with Satanism. Everything is a blending, a sardonic means of annihilating Christianity by embracing it. This is achieved in several ways: the embedding of scripture within black metal songs, artwork that blends the divine with sin (an aborted fetus-angel, angels engaging in mutual masturbation, etc.) and of course, the embedding of religious music within black metal. If you remove those passages then the record no longer communicates its message as effectively.

Think of it this way. The title of the record is basically: "If you seek His sign, look around you." The 4 Prayer tracks function as the seeking. The black metal tracks function as the answer. If you remove the Prayers, the essence of the record is totally altered.

Whether or not you enjoy those passages, it's pretty clear that the essence of the record is not communicated as vividly if they are removed.

10/10 would read again. Excellent post.
for the record, i personally wasn't talking about removing any of those parts (or what i consider to be those parts) but rather some of the more conventional, bland riffs that litter that record. i think its 'essence' as you put it could've been further distilled without a number of the more brainless up-tempo passages in particular. *shrug*

but yeah, i'm pretty defensive of SMRC regardless. those devout, awestruck, ecstatic melodic lines give me goosebumps, and strike me as more or less completely original*; the level of detail and passion at times reminds me of the glory days of black metal when bands had a vivid and unique vision to propagate. and that's precisely why it disappoints me when they seem to lose momentum and do things that are rather more ordinary, or occasionally even cheesy.

*i've been thinking recently that dead congregation at their best provide something close to a death metal version of the same feeling.
The Beherit hate around here is weird.

Beherit is some of the most boring stuff I have ever heard.

What's interesting about Pagan Moon for example? It just sounds like "la la lalala la la lalala" over and over again but with a distorted guitar. It's Black Metal for children.
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Yes, but Beherit's more for like, 8 year olds. Err... maybe even younger. It's pretty bad.

And why do you think Engram is the "single greatest thing since HLTO"? Do you have any reason for that other than "it's just great"?
for the record, i personally wasn't talking about removing any of those parts (or what i consider to be those parts) but rather some of the more conventional, bland riffs that litter that record. i think its 'essence' as you put it could've been further distilled without a number of the more brainless up-tempo passages in particular. *shrug*

Yea. I love SMRC and wouldn't cut any song from it, but there are several songs I would cut 1-3 minutes of.
To elaborate on why I hate Beherit and particularly DDTM is because it it epitomizes the strand of mindless sheepishness that exists within the black metal fan base. If ANUS or some other kvlt website says it's a classic then it must be true! DDTM is a perfect example of tr00 kvult personae with absolutely nothing of substance to back it up. Dime a dozen riffs backed by plodding drumming and crappy modulated vocals all mashed together in a crappy mix job. Yup, really something special there! The epitome of style without substance.

Then, to top it off, the ambient passages totally clash with the metal tracks, adding incoherence to an already long list of flaws. Yet, one by one newbies who want to prove how underground they are praise it as one of the all time great black metal albums. Give me a fucking break.
I think your opinion has been clouded by seeing so many people rate it so highly, in such an obnoxious manner.

Beherit is fucking evil, and that's all there is to it. Yeah its simplistic music, yeah the mix sucks, but that's what they were fucking going for. You are not the target audience. That is all.