Black Metal.

I've been listening to a lot of Nyktalgia and Thy Light lately. Fuck those bands rule. The way Nyktalgia handles their arpeggiated atmospheric sections is superb. And the way Thy Light handles... well... everything, blows my mind.
if there was a version of SMRC without the filler it'd be one of my all time favourite BM albums tbh, and that's coming from someone who's devoutly old-school. that album is really special at times, but in places it reeeeeally drags.
if there was a version of SMRC without the filler it'd be one of my all time favourite BM albums tbh, and that's coming from someone who's devoutly old-school. that album is really special at times, but in places it reeeeeally drags.

I agree with this 100%. SMRC is definitely a great album, if you fast forward through about 1/3 of it. Without the unnecessary bits of 'atmospheric' or 'moody' wankery, it would be a perfect album.

I have never even heard of Belenos, so maybe I'll check it out.

That song 'Spleen' from Peste Noire is one of my absolute favorite black metal songs. That entire album is quality, IMO.

And anyone who doesn't mention Antaeus in a France discussion is teh gay. They are high quality, and have done little I don't enjoy.

Anyway, I'm listening to Dödsferd-"Fucking Your Creation". I haven't listened to it in a couple years, and even now it hits me strong like it did the first time. The title track has one of my all time favorite riffs and I get chills every time I hear it.
At least like 30-40% of that album could be cut and it wouldn't be missing anything important.

Opeth levels of overinflating songs.
At least like 30-40% of that album could be cut and it wouldn't be missing anything important.

Opeth levels of overinflating songs.

I disagree greatly. I think the album is a fiery ride through hell from start to finish, and I wouldn't cut any of it.
Other than the psychedelic Gegorian interludes, SMRC is a very one dimensional album. However, that one dimension is executed to perfection. The atmosphere is so dark, smothering and intense. There aren't any weak tracks (I imagine for most people, if you like one, you like them all), so saying there is "filler" isn't really accurate. The issue could be that it's a lot of the same thing. Personally, I think it's an excellent album, but one I have to be in a particular mood to sit down and listen to from start to finish.
Alright, I'll take your advice on that.

And the problem with your comment, crimson, is that SMRC isn't as one dimensional as it needs to be. The attempts to (Circum)spice it up actually does damage in this case.

You are totally wrong. They are a critical means of communicating the record's message. The essence of the record is a bastardization of Christian dogma with Satanism. Everything is a blending, a sardonic means of annihilating Christianity by embracing it. This is achieved in several ways: the embedding of scripture within black metal songs, artwork that blends the divine with sin (an aborted fetus-angel, angels engaging in mutual masturbation, etc.) and of course, the embedding of religious music within black metal. If you remove those passages then the record no longer communicates its message as effectively.

Think of it this way. The title of the record is basically: "If you seek His sign, look around you." The 4 Prayer tracks function as the seeking. The black metal tracks function as the answer. If you remove the Prayers, the essence of the record is totally altered.

Whether or not you enjoy those passages, it's pretty clear that the essence of the record is not communicated as vividly if they are removed.
Eh, perhaps I should listen to it again, as it's been a long ass fucking time, but I never understood SMRC. I'd rather listen to Inquisitors or something else tbh.

Darkspace III is even longer than SMRC and I refuse to skip anything on that album.