Black Metal.

Awesome drumming from ~5min onwards. Sounds like something I'd put on while walking through a snowstorm.

Not a cliché at all. :Saint:
So I got my copy of Darkspace - Dark Space III I today.....

Three of them in fact. Avantegarde music made a big booboo me thinks.
journeys end and spirit the earth aflame are the best things primordial has ever done. storm before calm is good.

i dont understand the fascination with gathering wilderness and everything after. i think its the vocals. i just dont like the vocal style he adopted. he should have kept his croon and rasp, as opposed to this rough singing/yelling thing he's got going.

spirit is my favorite overall, but everything is still very good (even TTND which is easily their worst is still a very solid album - just speaks to the overall quality of the band)
So, this guy released an EP in 2011. Just wondering if anyone else finds the vocals eerily similar to Caladan Brood? They're both out of Salt Lake City. The overall tone reminds of a slightly faster version of Caladan Brood too...

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I like it more than the previous one, but I doubt I'll listen to it that much. Feels to me like it's missing something the first two releases had, not just stand out tracks/riffs but maybe the atmosphere.

I like the new Fen song. Maybe because two of the riffs sound similar to things I recorded. We must have been having the same feels.
Recommendation time: if I were to listen to Gorgoroth, which is considered to be their best album? Looking for a starting point...

Pentagram, Antichrist and Under the Sign of Hell are all reasonable starting points for new listeners. My personal favorite is Antichrist and it's probably the most accessible cause of the cleaner production and more focus on melody, but Pentagram is a classic also.

Question for everyone else though.

Can you list any black metal albums from this year that:

1. Are not for pussies (no Blackgaze or forest troll music)
2. Focus on riffs-