Black Metal.

Just preordered the new Enslaved. Pretty pumped for that one. RIITIIR was one of my favorites from the band. And a preemptive fuck you to whoever wants to post a :lol: icon to that statement.
I listened to Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina. DMT was the same to me as it was before: generic, nom-threatening, and the god damn guitar tone is atrocious even for the time period.

However, I think I've overlooked Nemisis Divina too much. The riffs and structures and everything involved is much better than I remember. There's some fantastic moments. I'm going to give it another spin today and give a more detailed review. Also, Shadowthrone is up for a spin today as well

EDIT: I think sometimes I forget the chops Frost has, too. Especially in ND. Holy crap he's a machine. There's some really odd kick drum work he does even in DMT and he doesn't make it up as he goes. It all repeats again and its fluent.

A lot of what I'm hearing now seems to have more in common with bands like Krohm, Xasthur, I Shalt Become, and the like than it does with the scene they came up in. Maybe I've been hating all this time for the wrong reasons. Huh.
Awesome BM band from iceland. i need this on vinyl, shit is sold-out everywhere :[.

Krow maybe Kroda if you haven't already

This is too fucking obvious, but I when it came out i didn't hear much talk of it so ill just mention Falkenbach's 2013 album Asa which is along those lines.
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So what's the verdict on the last Mayhem album?

I listened to Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina. DMT was the same to me as it was before: generic, nom-threatening, and the god damn guitar tone is atrocious even for the time period.

However, I think I've overlooked Nemesis Divina too much. The riffs and structures and everything involved is much better than I remember. There's some fantastic moments. I'm going to give it another spin today and give a more detailed review. Also, Shadowthrone is up for a spin today as well

EDIT: I think sometimes I forget the chops Frost has, too. Especially in ND. Holy crap he's a machine. There's some really odd kick drum work he does even in DMT and he doesn't make it up as he goes. It all repeats again and its fluent.

Yea, i didnt enjoy Dark Medieval Times that much either the last time i listened to it. I think NM is their best followed by The Shadowthrone ... which ill be listening to right now thanks to you :kickass:

Also yeah Frost is the shit! What's even more amazing was that he was near blind when he recorded those three albums ... man im trying to find the documentary/interview but i can't.
So I recently upgraded my headphones and got a headphone amp to go with it after saving up a bit of cash. Got something that was supposed to be good with metal, especially BM, and WOW! ... I expected a step up in the experience having gotten nice headphones a few years ago (took it up another notch with this recent upgrade)... but seriously it's allowing me to listen to a lot of my old CDs as if they were new again and appreciate albums that were just too raw for my tastes before. Highly recommend if you're very deeply into this kind of music to look into getting some high end audio gear to listen to it through (head fi is a good place to start). Beware though --- some headphones will have a very negative effect on this kind of music (i.e. very bright headphones more suited to classical music).

Best way to describe it is I can hear every little fine detail, even on extremely dense low-fi recordings. It's mesmerizing. If I had to quantify it I'd say it takes my enjoyment of the music (any music) up by at least ~50%.
So what's the verdict on the last Mayhem album?

Also yeah Frost is the shit! What's even more amazing was that he was near blind when he recorded those three albums ... man im trying to find the documentary/interview but i can't.

The last Mayhem was a top 10 of the year album for me. Don't listen to grouch ass. Its good.

I didn't know Frost was near blind then? If that's common knowledge I was out of the loop on that. Weird, blind ass blast beats. Haha
The last Mayhem was a top 10 of the year album for me. Don't listen to grouch ass. Its good.

I didn't know Frost was near blind then? If that's common knowledge I was out of the loop on that. Weird, blind ass blast beats. Haha

Yeah i'm really liking the new Mayhemn too. Opening tracks is fucking killer. :kickass:

Man i jsut spent about an hour trying to find that interview/documentary but to no avail :(. I even remember him saying how he felt like he was seeing for the first time when he started wearing contacts.
Well so what are the specifics? What headphones? What amp?

Right now I've got an Audeze LCD 2.2 (there are 3 versions of LCD-2 -- the latest version is supposedly significantly brighter which is why I bought v 2 used) running from a Bifrost DAC and a Lyr amp. It's pretty much black metal nirvana. For a really dense album, like Pure Holocaust, it's utterly glorious. I can make out every little detail and get all the rawness of BM without it being remotely sibilant.

I find it's not really suitable for something like hard rock though because it lacks sufficient "kick", but for black metal, it's absolutely perfect. It's also great for electronic music if you're into that.

I've got another pair of headphones from the same series and a more aggressive amp on the way to try out for when I want a bit more bite in the sound.

From Árstíðir Lífsins' first full-length. Such a fucking good album. Some of the best folk black metal I've ever heard. They hail from Iceland. See if you dig it ya'll.
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