Yeah, according to the Profound Lore website, Smiling Dogs...
"Once Wunder moved to Brooklyn, he then decided to round up two accomplished local musicians, namely Josh Lozano (also of Inswarm and part of Jarboe’s live band) on upright bass and guitarist/pianist Scott Edward to make MAN’S GIN a proper and a real band. Wunder would of course round off the band on vocals, guitars, and drums respectively and begin to slave away at new music until the band would inevitably enter Colin Marston’s (KRALLICE, Gorguts etc.) Thousand Caves Studio in the bellowing month of January 2010 where during three weeks of labor and uncertainty, MAN’S GIN’s debut album “Smiling Dogs” would eventually manifest."
Hopefully, if and when another Man's Gin album is released, the next album is more in line with Smiling Dogs than Rebellion Hymns