Black Metal.

Somebody please recommend me some primitive Black Metal with raw drumming, rather than that lame click-click bullshit so many people here are cool with.

hahaha. Imagine sitting around a table with a group of people and you said that. I picture you holding your beer close and scowling at us... Us with our click-click drum loving tendencies. It's enough to make you spit.

I don't have an answer though beyond all the old school stuff. There's more than enough of that anyway. Fuck off nowadays black metal.
Anyone else absolutely hate bluesy solos in BM? I'm already skeptical about solos being present in any form in BM (I think the way Emperor handles it on ATTWAD is as good as it gets), but bluesy solos just grate on my ears. It sounds so completely out of place. I've been getting back into "Below the Lights" again and listening to "Mardraum" for the first time and everything about those albums is perfect to me except for when they launch into something that would better fit - well basically anything other than black metal! It makes sense on Monumension, but BTL and Mardraum - no. I honestly wish I had the master tracks so I could edit them out or bury the portions that are most glaring.
I really don't like soloing in BM most of the time, so it's a little ironic that the band that I came here to post has quite a few of them and that they don't bother me so much as usual.

Not the most consistent album but a lot of it's really cool. A bit like Krallice, if Krallice were way better.
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I really don't like soloing in BM most of the time, so it's a little ironic that the band that I came here to post has quite a few of them and that they don't bother me so much as usual.

Not the most consistent album but a lot of it's really cool. A bit like Krallice, if Krallice were way better.

I need to check that out. I like some I, Voidhanger bands like Spectral Lore, Midnight Odyssey and Mare Cognitum