New split between Blut Aus Nord and Ævangelist. I'm only on the third BAN track. It's ok. More industrial/laid back stuff a la MoRT. Not bad by any means, but rather meandering and unsatisfying.
It's pretty much what I've been hoping they'd make for the past few years.
Godflesh meets TWWTG through to MoRT with the cool layers, sounds and production of the newer releases. I'm glad it's an EP though. I'd like an album length release of this sorta material to also incorporate some of the more straight up BM from the Liber trilogy and Sect(s).
So the mailman had my copy of Themes pour la Rebellion today. Will listen to it tonight even though Forteresse is an Autumn/Winter band for me for the most part. I'm sure it'll be great, all their albums are.